Chapter 19 (part 2)

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Rosaline watched as an older looking Captain and a rambunctious crew of men cane into the pub. Her girls slowly spread out amongst the men and however revolting they were, this was the only way she knew how to make money. What were a few moments on her back if she could just make ends meet?

It wasn’t like they were important. Just a business endeavor that she had to endure until the man got what he came for which was a tumble under the sheets with a beautiful island woman.

While she’d had hundreds of clients, she’d only ever had one lover. Alexander De Warenne. The man was spectacular. Everything she’d ever dreamed the love of her life would be. And he was. Aside from the small very inconsequential fact that he was married. Not happily of course. If those English women would learn how to take care of their men Rosie and her girls wouldn’t have to step in and do their marital duties for them.

She’d met Alexi two years ago on one of his first runs. Fresh faced and enthusiastic about the vast expanse of ocean before him that was his to conquer.  She’d sensed something was the matter with him and quickly go to the bottom of what troubled him. The poor young man had been forced to marry some wretched spoiled child and then he’d been forced to leave his home because she hated him so much!  He’d been apprehensive of her intentions and had refused her the very first night his men came to town.

She’d used her feminine wiles to convince him otherwise shortly after. By feminine wiles, she got him completely and utterly inebriated and then convinced him by pushing her massive chest into his face. Typical man for you. In no time at all he was laying between her legs, exhausted from exerting himself so brilliantly in bed.

Damn that stupid child for being taken! How dare Alexi leave her like that? Dumped on her ass like she was nothing. Like she wasn’t madly in love with him. She knew he loved her too. Once he’d finally submitted to his carnal desires he’d come back time and again and eventually started to bring her little trinkets and baubles to show his affection for her. He told her of his many adventures, captivating her from the start and she truly believed that he would one day come and ask her to go with them, to escape the island. They never discussed such outlandish ideas but she’d always felt that he was telling her to prepare he for the life ahead of her. As his wife.

Rosie was so lost in her own thoughts that she imagined one of the crewmen that had just cone in had mentioned Alexi’s name. She took a closer look at them and realized that the men before her were that of…

Oh yes. Richard Morgan. The man walked through the door just as she thought his name and she wondered how on earth he was here. Alexi would’ve surely dealt with him.. right?

They were plotting their revenge and just what they wanted to do to Alexi and his men who had humiliated them. Then she heard the woman’s name. Caitlin. They wanted to find a way to hurt Alexi by using Caitlin. Hopefully in the process they would hurt Caitlin too.

One of the men was angry because they’d apparently been foced to allow Alexi to escape because their captain had been taken hostage. The men were angry and they were also quite upset that they’d not been able to obtain the map that they were after in order to find the treasure that Edward Teach had supposedly told Alexi the location of.

There was one more person who knew of the location.

She listened intently to the men that were discussing Alexi. And before she could even process what was dong herself she asked, “Do you mean THE Alexander? As in, Alexander De Warenne?”

The eyes of the pirate captain burned into hers as he answered for his men. “What difference does it make to you my dear?”

Revenge. On Caitlin De Warenne for being so weak and needy. For taking Alexi away from her.

“I think sir, that I have information that you may want… and I also believe that I may be requiring your assistance in a terribly imperative matter.”

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