secrets (-)

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"I've got friends coming over. George is actually intended to live here, but since you're here, he doesn't."

Wow. Is that meant to make me feel special? Because it's not. 


"So you're going to act like a lady and do what I say. Whatever I say. Or I'll beat the shit out of you." I roll my eyes to his words. He's such an asshole. An asshole who's lost. In himself-in fame. In sexual desire. "Don't roll your fucking eyes at me, young lady." 

Young lady? Who is he, my dad? That's pretty fucking creepy. 

"Pedo," I whisper under my breath. He doesn't hear me, or at least I don't think he did. If he did, he didn't have time to do anything, because at that moment, six guys walk in. 

"What's up, mate?" Matthew exclaims at the sight of the men. 

"Nothin' really. Who's the chick?" 

"That's just Harlyn. She's staying here, 'cause I bought her off of her parents. I figured she needed a place to stay if her parents were selling her off." 

That's such a lie. He's trying to make it seem like he rescued me from an abusive family, when in reality, he just took me as a sex slave. Ugh. I don't think I can bite my tongue. I want to speak-oh, so badly.

"That's bullshit." I say, loudly and clearly. Matthew leans over to my ear and says, "What the fuck are you doing? Shut the hell up or I'll beat you tonight.". 

"I don't give a damn what you want. It's all bullshit. See this guy? He kidnapped me. From my parents. As a sex slave. And you know what? He's an asshole." Matty grabs my wrist painfully and says that we're going to have a chat in the other room and to raid the fridge as they liked. 

He slams the door behind us. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yells, quite loudly. "I told you to keep your mouth fucking shut!" He's got me by the hair now, and has ushed me onto the floor. His leg raises and his foot digs into my ribs again and again. 

"Matthew! Please stop!" I plea. To no avail, apparently. 

"Why should I? You're just a no...good...piece...of...shit!" He says in between swift kicks. I think my ribs are broken, it hurts so badly. He grabs a fistful of hair and pins me to the wall. "You're gonna get it tonight. Bad." He lets go and I fall to the floor as he walks out and locks the door from the outside. 

SEX // MATTY HEALY // HAUNTEDHEALYWhere stories live. Discover now