Chapter 1

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Monday, the worst day of the week. Maimly because it’s the start of a school week. I bet you hate Mondays too, but I hate them more. It’s the day my life changed forever.  My name is Danielle, Danielle Powers; I know I couldn’t have a more ironic name.

It started as an ordinary day, with the beeping of an alarm. I rolled out of bed and walked to the closet.

Hmmm, I thought what to wear. I finally decided on the basics, jeans and an understated shirt. Then I looked in the mirror and saw my short black hair and dark green eyes. I hate my complexion, pale with spots of acne, but that’s not the point, the point is that’s the last time I saw that reflection.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, that’d be Kate and Sam I thought. I quickly brushed through my hair and dashed down the stairs and threw open the door. A flurry of blond hair greeted me,

“It’s about time you let us in,” exclaimed Kate “I was beginning to think you forgot about us!!”

“I couldn’t forget about you Kate.” I answered and it’s true I can’t, Kate’s long blond hair and bright brown eyes and super peppy attitude makes her hard to ignore.

“Ahem, and speaking of forgetting…” said Sam stepping out from behind Kate. Now Sam has messy black hair and piercing blue eyes, with a tan athletic look to him. Let me just say he doesn’t need to try to look good, cause he’s there. Oh I should mention I’ve had a crush on him since like the 4th grade.  Also he’s super eco-friendly, he’s big into the hug the tree’s save a squirrel thing which is so cute.

“Oh relax Sam we aren’t gonna forget you,” replied Kate with a snigger.

“Ya, Sam we are a trio and trio means three “I said.

“I know I know, come-on guys...” he started

“Sam we’re girls.” Kate interrupted.”

“right sorry come-on girls we’re gonna be late and you know Mr. Bradley loves to keep people after.”

“alright alright” I exclaimed grapping my stuff. I took off at a run toward school with my friends behind.

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