Chapter 5

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Author's note: 3 words; read, comment, thanks


Chapter 5: I rushed toward my room and immediately called Sam and Kate.

“Hey guys, I got something to tell you guys”

“Sure Danni what’s up” replied Sam

“My parents found that Thing from last week”

“You don’t mea…” Kate started

“Yes, that stupid thing that ruined my life”

“Kay guys I know this is important, but you might wanna turn on the news” Sam cut in. I quickly grabbed the remote and turn on the news.

“Reporting to you live from Buckburrow a murderer on the loose. A person shot in the heart, with something unknown to many. Around the wound appeared burn marks. This is not the first attack like this either, this will be the seventh one starting from Evergrove and reaching here Buckburrow all with the mysterious shot in their hearts. Reporting to you live from 7 news I’m Lisa Lane.”

 “Ya what about it?” I ask, cause what does that have to do with anything that’s going on right now.

“If you think about it probably takes a week to walk from here to Evergrove, so these murders started…”

“The same day I touched that thing” I said finally, it finally dawning on me what he means.

“So you think these murders are linked to that thing?” Kate asked.

“I’d bet on it, I mean has anyone heard of a bullet that causes burn marks. To me it doesn’t sound humanly possible.” Sam said

“So, and I’m just clarifying, you think there were more of that thing Danni touched and it’s corrupting other?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying”

“Curiosity is finally starting to catch those cats” Kate quipped

“Well I’d love to chat with you optimistic people but I have a test to study for.”

“OMG I totally forgot about Mrs. Leighton’s test, you’re a lifesaver Danni! So I got to go too. Later guys.”Kate said as she hung up. I hung up after and pulled out my Latin and Greek vocab. I still have yet to figure out why we study Greek and Latin in our English class, but whatever. I must’ve looked over the words a hundred times when I looked over at the clock 7:30, shit, I still haven’t any of my homework, I pulled out my homework and started to work. Finally I finished, I peaked a look at the clock 1:30, shit shit shit, I quickly put on my penguin pj’s and went to bed.

Dreams followed me that night. I was standing on a field, it looked like the school soccer field, and this guy was standing across from me. He was pale white and had a bright blond hair and he had a glow around. He looked like a human sun; all except his eyes his eyes had a cold dark look to them. He started calling to me in a warm friendly voice that had a menacing undertone that scared me. As he started walking toward me I started to feel as though I was on fire. He kept coming closer, when he was two feet away, a song start, Burning Up by Glee, how ironic that sounds like my new alarm. I open my eyes; sunlight is streaming into my bedroom as my alarm keeps singing. I roll over and shut it off. I stood up and staggered to the shower. The warm water makes me flinch, as I remember my dream. I shut it off and grab a towel went to the closet. Hmm what to wear, I decide on a pair of leggings, short skirt and my new favorite shirt, black and white shirt with a black vest design on over it. I looked in the mirror and say those same green eyes stared back from under my hair, but my skin was darker than it was before, it’s more tan and no acne whatsoever. If one good thing came from that rock is that it made me look better. I brushed through my hair and packed up my bag for school. Just as I was shoving my last book in there was a knock on the door. I jumped over the rail and flew, literally to the door, ok maybe two good things. The usual flurry of blond hair greets me.

“Hey guys you study for Mrs. Leighton’s test”

“Uh DUH, of course I studied no matter how nice she is she’s still the hardest teacher.” Kate said with her duh look on her face.

“Ya, it doesn’t matter if you study if you miss it, come on we’re gonna be late.” Sam exclaimed from behind.

“Fine” I said, “catch me if you can!!!!”

“Oh come on Danni your too fast, slow down!!” Sam yelled as he ran to catch up. It’s true I’m faster and power I found out later and I feel like I can do it forever, only downside I get super hunger if I go for to long. So I stop at a lamppost and wait for them, as they get closer I pretend to look at my watch.

“What took you guys so long?” I asked teasingly.

“Natural law.” Sam shot back.

“Oh sure use that excuse, you need better one.”

“Good, now come on!” They take off running and I jog next to them. We get to class with three minutes to spare.

“See we had plenty of time” Kate said between great gulps of air as we take our seats.

“Ya if your Danni,” Sam retorted looking red in the face. The bell rings preventing any more argument.

“Class settle down” Mrs. Leighton says standing up at the front

“Now I hoped you all studied because I know you all can do great on this test” Mrs. Leighton says as she hand the test out, and like I said before it’s super hard. Luckily it’s not her hardest and I believe I managed my usual A.  I sit waiting for bell. After what feels like forever the bell rings.

“Danni could I see you for a moment” Mrs. Leighton calls before I make it out the door. Oh shit what did I do I thought. Sam and Kate stop to wait.

“Go on ahead guys I’ll catch up,” and they know I will to so they leave.

 “Danni, don’t worry you’re not in trouble” She must of caught the expression of dread on my face, I’ve never been good at hiding emotions.

“I’m wondering if something is going on in your family. Not only are you dressed differently, you look different, and your grades no matter high are starting to drop slightly. I’ve known you for most of the year you’ve never got below a C, until last Friday.” Jez she’s good, no wonder I like her

“No Mrs. Leighton nothing’s going on.” She gave me a long stare; I could see the worry in her eyes.

“Ok, but if you ever need anything I’m right here. Do you need a pass?”

“Yes please.” She hands me a pass

“Now run along before your any later” The rest of the day past in a blur, before I know it the final bells rings. I grab my stuff from my locker and head to meet up with Kate and Sam. I run into Kate and we both head toward his locker.

“You ever notice how Sam’s always the last to get ready.” I observed

“Did you notice your always last in the morning” Sam retorted as we reached his locker.

“Good point, wanna head to the Capricorn.”

“Of course Danni, you know that I LOVE the Capricorn.” Kate exclaimed

“Great, let’s cut across the soccer field.”

“Are you ready to cross the field; I mean we haven’t gone that way since the accident?” Sam asked worried.

“Of course, what’s there to worry bout.” I said already walking toward the field, my friends in following me.

“So what did Mrs. Leighton want Danni?” Sam asked

“She was wondering if anything is happening in my life”                                                                    

“What did you say: Yes Mrs. Leighton I gained super powers from something” Said Kate

“GOD NO, I lied and told her nothing” I said as we reached the field, and I froze.

“Uhh Danni, earth to Danni, what’s the freeze for?” Kate asked. A man was standing across the field, the same one from my dream. Everything from the hair to eyes was the same, and I knew nothing good would come from him.

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