Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:  Ok so had a typically school day, to boring to bother recording, but I should bring up something that happened after it.  So I was putting my stuff back when Megan Riley walked up to and slammed my locker.

“What do you want Megan I busy,” I said a scowl already forming on my face.

 “Just letting you know Sam is mine,” she said and I swear my blood pressure was already rising.

 “What makes you think he’d want you” I sneered

“Cause he’s made to be mine and he soon will be”

“Whatever” I said slinging my shoulder bag over my shoulder and walked away. I ran into Kate and she saw my face and said “Megan right, what’d she say this time”

“it doesn’t matter let’s go and find Sam.” I turned and walked towards his locker.  I saw Kate following and I knew I’d won, for now at least. When we got to his locker Sam was just finishing up. “Hey guys! Guess what Megan Riley just asked me out. “Sam exclaimed

“What’d you say?” I said with growing anxiety.

“No what else would I say she’s a bully”

“Then let’s head to the Capricorn guys” Kate said, she always needs caffeine and the Capricorn is the best coffee shop in town.

“Sounds good to me, but let’s cut across the soccer field I don’t want to run into Megan.”  I said so we started walking toward the Capricorn. We had just finished crossing the soccer field when this thing fell out of the sky and crashed a little way in front of us.

“OMG WE HAVE TO CHECK IT OUT!!!!” squealed Kate, before me or Sam could say anything she grabbed our arms and dragging us toward the thing.

I have to admit it was cool. Then again I didn’t know what it was.  It has a liquid like texture, but appeared as sturdy as a rock. It was also an eerie green that almost seemed to glow brighter than the afternoon sun.

“What is it” Sam said as if reading my mind.

“I don’t know” I said reaching my hand toward it.

“What are you doing Danni don’t touch it” Kate said with a worried tone. I wished I had listened.

I didn’t listen I seemed almost drawn to the thing. I stretched my arm out and my fingertips brushed the thing.

A searing pain jolted from my fingers and spread to my body. It felt as if my whole body was on fire, but all I could see was green, I screamed begging for it to stop. That’s the last thing I remember before passing out.


Author's Note: Okay so that's all I have so far. Please tell me how it so I know whether to continue or not. How do you do that? By commenting it would really help me! thanks! :D

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