Chapter 30

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Lyric's POV
"Gerard, I can't reach Mikey." I said worriedly. "He checked into rehab last night." He said coming into the room with Valentina. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "You were already asleep and I didn't want to wake you. I'm sorry." He said. "It's alright. As long as he is getting better." I said. He nodded. Kristin burst into the house. "Where is Mikey? I couldn't get ahold of him." She said on the verge of tears. I held her in my arms and calmed her down. "He is alright. He is just in rehab." I said. She nodded and clung to me. "Kristin, he will be alright. He is doing it for all of us. He wants to be a better man." I said. "I know but I am going to miss him." She said. "I am too but it will be all worth it in the end." I said. She nodded. "We can go see him if you would like." Gerard said. Kristin nodded. We headed to the car and Kristin sat in the back with Valentina. We got to the rehab center and went in waiting for someone to bring us back to Mikey. We headed back to a room and we sat around a table. Mikey came in and Kristin ran over to him hugging him tightly. She then slapped him. "Don't you ever scare me like that again Michael." She said. "I'm sorry." He said to her. Kristin took his face in her hands and kissed him. "I love you Mikey." She said. "I love you too Kristin." He said. "Mikey!" Valentina squealed. "Hi princess." He said coming over to hug Valentina. Valentina nuzzled her face into his chest. I noticed that she fell asleep. "I'm gonna miss her these next few months." He said kissing her head. "I know but at least you will be clean." Gerard said. "You're right. Every thing will turn out for the better. I will but it is all worth it." He said squeezing Kristin's hand. She blushed. "Even though there is no new little Way on it's way yet. I want to ask you both if you will be its godparents." I said. "We would love to be." Mikey said kissing Kristin. I smiled and kissed Gerard. "Well now that I see he is okay I guess we can leave." Kristin said. "Please come back and visit." Mikey said. "Of course." She said. Mikey passed me Valentina and she wrapped her arms around my neck still asleep. We said goodbye and headed out to the car. "Hey Kristin, could you watch Valentina tonight?" I asked blushing. "Sure, I could use some fun with my favorite niece." She said. We got back to Gerard and I's house and we packed up some things for Valentina. She woke up and started running around. I giggled. "Hey sweetheart, you are having a sleepover with Auntie Kristin. Will you be good for me pretty please?" I asked Valentina. "Yes mommy." She said kissing my cheek. I smiled and handed her things to Kristin. "She promised to be a good girl but if you have any problems call us. Thank you." I said. We waved goodbye and I automatically felt Gerard's hands on my waist. "Can't we have dinner first?" I asked. "I'm looking at my dinner and dessert." He said. "Come on, let's have a date night. Pretty please." I said. "Fine only because I love you so much." He said kissing me. I smiled and kissed him back. "Go get dressed. I want to make tonight special." He said. "Okay, I should be ready in an hours or so." I said. He nodded and kissed my cheek. I headed upstairs to our bathroom. I climbed into the shower and showered. "You could've waited to take a shower with me." Gerard said as I climbed out of the shower and he climbed in. "Sorry babe." I said kissing his cheek. He smiled. I brushed out my hair and blow-dried it. I straightened it then I headed into our room and got dressed. I pulled on a pair of black lace tights along with a waist high black skirt and a maroon crop top sweater. I love the fall here in Jersey. "Damn, I have a hot wife." Gerard said walking into the bedroom. I blushed and hid my face. "Hey, don't hide. You're beautiful." He said kissing me softly. I grabbed my ankle boots and put them on. "Are you ready?" he asked. I nodded. He interlaced his fingers with mine and led me out to the car. He opened my door and helped me in. He got in on the other side and started the car. "Where are we going?" I asked. "You will have to wait and see." He said. We drove out into the countryside and he pulled up to an orchard. "You said you wanted to go apple picking so I thought why not." He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. We climbed out of the car and got a basket. I smirked at Gerard and took off running through the trees. "I will find you." He said. I saw a pile of fallen leaves and crawled into it covering myself. "Lyric, where are you?" he chimed. I covered my mouth to keep myself from giggling. I saw him standing in front of me. I jumped out of the leaves and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Hello beautiful." He said. "Hi." I said. He picked the leaves out of my hair. "I love the fall." I said. "I know. I love it because I get to see you all happy." He said. "I'm so glad I am married to you." I said. "I am so happy you agreed to marry me." He said. We went around picking some apples. I was trying to reach for the perfect one but I couldn't reach it. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I was lifted up. I grabbed the apple and found Gerard holding me up. I smiled and he set me down. We paid for our apples and headed back to the car. "Could we maybe come back with Valentina and our parents?" I asked. "Sure. I would like that." He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. We placed the apples in the car and went to the corn maze next to the orchard. We walked through the maze and got lost. "This is why I hate mazes." I groaned. "No you don't. You just hate being lost." He said. I smiled. He chuckled. He lifted me up onto his back. I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. "Left or right?" he asked. "Right." I said. He walked that way and we found our way out in thirty minutes or so. "That was difficult." I said. He nodded. "I am going to go use the bathroom. I will be back." I said. He nodded and I headed off towards the bathroom. I came back and found Gerard waiting by the car. "Ready to go get some dinner?" he asked. I nodded. We drove back to town and he pulled up to Lorenzo's café. I smiled and kissed him quickly. I ran inside and hugged Lorenzo tightly along with my grandmother. "Where's my nipotina?" Lorenzo asked. "She is with her aunt Kristin. It is date night." I said as Gerard slipped his hand in mine. "You two are so cute." My grandmother said. I blushed. "Go take a seat on the patio. You're waitress will be out in a minute." Lorenzo said. I nodded and Gerard and I headed out to the patio. "So I take it you are getting the butternut squash raviolis since they are in season." Gerard said. I giggled and nodded. "Welcome to Lorenzo's café. What can I get you to drink?" the waitress asked. "Hi babe." I said. Willow looked up and smiled. "Hi cuties. I will go get some wine and water." She said. I nodded. "Did you know she still worked here?" I asked. "Yes, Ray said she wanted to go back to work and at least with her working here Lorenzo let's her make her schedule." He said. I nodded. Willow came back with the wine and water. "I know Lyric wants the ravioli now what do you want Gerard?" she asked. "I'll have the fettuccine with sausage and kale." He said. Willow nodded and went off to put our order in. "I love you." Gerard said. "I know you do and I am so lucky to have you loving me. Gerard, I believe those doctors are right. I don't think I would've survived without you. I don't know what I would do without you." I sniffled. "Hey, don't cry. I am right here. I am not going anywhere for a very long time. You are stuck with me forever." He said. I smiled and he kissed my hand. Our food came and we ate. Lorenzo gave us free apple pie for dessert. Once we were done with dinner, we said goodbye to everyone. "Now what?" I asked. "Time for a movie." He said. He drove towards the old abandoned drive in. "Gerard, we could get in trouble." I said. "I got it under control. No worries." He said. I nodded but still felt uneasy. He parked the car and laid a blanket out on the hood of the car. I climbed up and got comfortable. Gerard headed to the screening box and turned everything on. He put the movie on and I squealed once I saw it was Hocus Pocus. He joined me on the hood of the car and covered us with another blanket. I leaned against his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. We watched the movie silently and I was lost in it. Hocus Pocus is one of my favorite Halloween movies. It was soon over. "No, it can't be over." I whined. Gerard chuckled. We slid off the car and I folded the blankets as he retrieved the DVD. We climbed back into the car and drove home. "Carry me?" I asked. He smiled. He came around to my side of the car and picked me up bridal style. I shut the car door and we headed inside. Gerard placed me on the couch and I took off my heels. I carried them up to my closet. I slowly shed my clothes and walked to Gerard's closet for a shirt. "You can just sleep like that." Gerard said. "I can't sleep in just in my panties." I whined. He wrapped his arms around me. "That hasn't stopped you before." He said. I smirked and unbuttoned his shirt. I pulled it off him and slipped it on me. I buttoned it back up and climbed into bed. I snuggled underneath the covers. Gerard pulled on his pajama pants and crawled in next to me. He brushed my hair out of my face and rested his hand on my cheek. "God, you are so beautiful." He said kissing me softly. "Gerard?" I said softly. "Yes." He said. "Could we try?" I asked. He smiled. "I would love to." He said. I smiled and kissed him. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt that I was wearing. I groaned softly. "I want to make love to you." He said kissing me softly. I ran my hands up and down his torso. He pulled off the shirt and his bottoms. He rolled on top of me and pulled off my panties. He kissed my thigh lightly and I moaned. He looked up into my eyes and kissed up my neck. He reconnected his lips with mine and he slipped into me. I moaned into his mouth. He interlaced his hands with mine and thrusted into me. "Gerard." I moaned out. "I love when you moan my name." he said going faster. I kissed him again and he slid his tongue into my mouth. "Gee." I moaned. I could feel the tight feeling in my stomach. "I'm close." I said. "I am too baby." He said. His thrusts got sloppier. "Lyric." He moaned out. His head dangled down. He kissed me softly. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." I whispered back. He slowly pulled out and held me in his arms. "Goodnight Lyric." He said kissing my head. "Goodnight love." I said kissing his chest.

Should they have another baby girl or a baby boy? Should they even have another kid?

Lyric's outfit above

The Only Hope For Me Is You (A Gerard Way Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang