Chapter 13

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Lyric’s POV

I groaned and rolled onto my back in bed. Gerard has been making sure for the past three months that I don’t do anything too strenuous. “Gerard, can we go for a walk today or do something?” I asked. “Well I was going to ask if you wanted to go see Guns & Roses tonight.” He said. My jaw dropped and I stared at him with wide eyes. “YES!” I squealed hugging him tightly. He was going back on tour in a week and he was trying to spend a lot of time with me. He left me at home when they left in January and February. I was determined to go with him though for the rest of tour. I went to take a shower and get ready to go. Even though I am six months pregnant, I still have a small belly. I slipped on a Guns & Roses crewneck and pulled on my ripped skinny jeans. I walked into the living room searching for my black converse. I found Gerard standing there holding them. “Looking for these.” He said. I nodded. “I will give them to you for a price.” He said. I chuckled and kissed him. He handed me my shoes and I slipped them on. I put my phone in my pocket along with my wallet. We headed out to the car. We stopped at a diner to get some dinner. “You know I’m going on tour with you when you leave.” I said eating my turkey burger. “I wish you wouldn’t. I want you to stay home and take care of you and our little miracle.” He said. “I know but I hate being without you.” I said. “And I hate being without you love.” He said kissing me. I smiled and kissed back. “Plus the baby kicks more and is uneasy when you aren’t around.” I said. “That’s because it is going to love me more.” He said. I laughed. “In your dreams, we are going to have a mommy’s boy on our hands.” I said. “No a daddy’s girl.” He said. I chuckled and kissed him. We finished eating and headed to the show. I saw Axl Rose and I was all excited. I started fangirling and almost fainted. “How come I didn’t get that reaction?” Gerard asked pouting. “Because that is Axl Rose.” I said. He laughed and kissed my head. They sang all my favorite songs like Paradise City, Sweet Child O’ Mine, Welcome To The Jungle, My Michelle, You Could Be Mine, November Rain and Since I Don’t Have you. Gerard went to go use the bathroom at one point so I went crowd surfing which he will not find out about. Axl Rose saw me and pulled me up on stage. I saw so excited. He wanted my help to sing Street Of Dreams. I looked out and saw Gerard’s jaw drop. He was so shocked and was probably trying to figure out how I got up there. I helped him sing and was helped off the stage. I walked back over to Gerard. “Please tell me you didn’t crowd surf?” he asked. I looked down with tears in my eyes. He pulled my chin up. “Please promise me you won’t crowd surf till you give birth.” He said. I nodded. He kissed me softly and held me close. They started playing Don’t Cry and we danced slowly. Soon the concert was over and we headed home. I lied down on the bed and struggled to get my legs out of my jeans. After I got them up I curled up under the blankets. I still felt like Gerard is mad at me. I started to cry quietly to myself. I opened my eyes to see Gerard sitting in front of me. He wiped away my tears. “Please don’t cry. I am upset that you went crowd surfing but I will get over it. As long as I have you.” He said. I smiled a little and kissed him. He crawled up into bed with me and wrapped his arms around me. I fell asleep feeling safe.

Gerard’s POV

I was really worried for Lyric. I love her to death and I don’t want something to happen to her or the baby. I watched her sleeping in bed and my mind couldn’t help but wander to the worst. I got up out of bed without waking Lyric up and headed out to the balcony. I’m so scared of losing Lyric. I know she is a strong girl but what if she can’t handle this pregnancy. I heard footsteps from behind me. “Gerard.” She said softly. I turned around with tears in my eyes. She came over and hugged me. “Gerard, I’m so sorry. I will stay home and keep our baby safe.” She said. I felt my heart breaking. I know she wanted to be with me. Plus Willow, Alicia, and Jamia were coming with us so she had no one here. “No, come with us. Please. I don’t want to leave you.” I said. She wiped away my tears and kissed my cheek. “Gerard, I love you. Thank you for caring for me and wanting to protect me and our baby.” She said. “Thank you for teaching me how to love.” I said. She smiled softly and kissed my cheek. I picked her up bridal style and carried her back to bed. She rested her head on my chest and I kissed her head. She started humming Sleep. Soon I was asleep.

Week Later

“Gerard, do I have to throw a bucket of cold water to get you out of bed?” Lyric said. I laughed. “No I’m coming.” I said. She kissed me and walked out to the kitchen to finish her breakfast. I made myself some oatmeal and got ready for her appointment. After the appointment we were heading to the tour bus and heading to San Jose. I finished getting ready and got in the car with her. “I think I want to know what we are having. I don’t want to wait anymore.” Lyric said. “It is up to you baby.” I said kissing her hand. She smiled. We showed up at her doctor’s and headed inside. They called Lyric’s name and she squeezed my hand. She is seven months along as of today. Lyric’s doctor reminded her to be extremely careful since she was coming on tour with us and that she is not allowed to lift anything. If she is doing only one thing she can sell merch and that is it. “I was wondering if we could find out if we are having a little Valentina or Valentino.” Lyric said. “Yes, of course.” Her doctor said. Lyric squeezed my hand smiling. I already decorated and finished the baby’s room I just wanted to know what name I was painting on the wall. Lyric didn’t know yet. Plus I bought us a house and the movers were supposed to come while we are gone to move all our stuff into the new house after we left New Jersey. Willow, Jamia, and Alicia are helping the movers too so nothing bad happens. If we get back and Lyric hasn’t had the baby yet I made sure the baby’s room is locked so she can’t peek in it. I painted the room a grayish color. I painted dark trees with leaves and birds on them. I made the room forest themed. I put forest animal stuffed animals around the room. I picked a dark color wood for the crib. I was going to paint a little boy or girl hanging off one of the trees once I found out the gender of the baby. “Well you are having a little Valentina.” She said. Lyric looked at me and I felt like a kid in a candy shop. I’m having a little baby girl. Wait I was right. Frank, Ray and Mikey better pay up. I kissed Lyric and we got pictures of the ultrasound. We headed back to the apartment. “You were right.” She said rubbing her stomach. I looked at the picture. “Our little Valentina Sophia.” I said smiling. I decided to head over to the new house and paint the little girl on the tree. “Finish packing and I will be right back.” I said. She nodded. I kissed her and headed over to the house. I unlocked the door and looked around the almost finished nursery. I took out the black paint and started painting the little girl hanging off the tree. I finished the girl and painted Valentina on her changing table. I smiled at the room. I can’t wait for my baby to be born. I headed home and saw the tour bus. I grabbed all the bags and put them in the bus. “Where did you go?” Lyric asked. “It is a surprise for when we return.” I said. She smiled and kissed me. We climbed onto the bus and headed to San Jose. Lyric fell asleep on my shoulder and I soon fell asleep with her.

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