Chapter 21

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Lyric’s POV

The song was beautiful. I need to find Gerard now. I started tracking his phone and saw he was at the airport. “Please watch Valentina. I need to go save my relationship.” I said running out of the house. I sped out of the driveway and towards the airport. I parked my car and ran in. I bought a ticket quickly and ran through the airport. I saw Gerard getting on the plane. I cut through all the people and tackled him to the ground. “Don’t you dare leave me, I love you and I never want to lose you.” I said. Who I thought was Gerard stood up and it wasn’t him. I stood up defeated and walked away. I slid down the wall and held my head in my hands crying. “Second chances are so fucked up. I should’ve just died from the cancer.” I said. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Gerard. “If cancer took you, I would be lost in a sea of depression. I love you too Lyric. Please don’t leave me either.” He said. I smiled and kissed him. I heard the boys wolf whistling. I blushed and hid my face in his shoulder. “I’m sorry I freaked out so bad.” I said. “It’s okay Lyric. I love you. I take your good with your bad and all your quirks and all your problems even your depression and failures. That’s what makes you, you. And you is who I love.” He said. I smiled and kissed him. I interlaced my fingers with his and we walked out to my car. The guys got in the back and we headed back to my grandma’s. We got out of the car and headed inside. Valentina was fussing about on the ground lifting up her head and chest trying to be dependent. I smiled and picked her up. “You will get there someday baby girl.” I said kissing her head. She held my finger and smiled. I cradled her to my body and she fell asleep. My cute little two month old baby. “Gee, look at her. She is so perfect.” I said. “Well she is your daughter.” He said. I blushed. “She is yours too.” I said. He smiled. “Well I think some sleep would do us both good.” He said. I nodded. “Goodnight guys.” I said. “Goodnight.” They all chimed back. My Grandma headed up to her bed too. We parted ways and headed into my old room. I heard Gerard snicker behind me. “Hey, don’t laugh because I have the sexiest man in the world on my walls.” I said. He smiled and kissed me. I placed Valentina in her bassinet and changed into my pjs. Gerard picked me up and threw me on the bed. I laughed and he jumped on me. He kissed me and I kissed him back. He rolled off me and wrapped his arms around my small frame pulling my chest to his. I nuzzled my face into his neck and fell asleep feeling safe in his embrace. I soon woke up the morning light streaming in through the window. I saw Gerard was still holding me tightly. Today is my grandfather’s funeral. I started crying softly trying not to wake him. I felt him kiss my head and stroke my hair. I looked up and he smiled at me. We got out of bed and headed downstairs. I saw my grandma with Valentina. I smiled as my grandma fed her and ate her own breakfast. I made Gerard and I some toast and eggs. Everyone came piling down the stairs and made breakfast for themselves. I headed upstairs to shower and get ready with Gerard. We showered together and there was no funny business. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I started blow drying my hair and then curling it. I finished my hair and washed my face. I wasn’t even going to bother putting makeup on. Gerard blow dried his hair while I went to get dressed. I slipped on my dress and walked back into the bathroom. “Please zip me up.” I said. “Sure.” He said zipping me up. He kissed my shoulder and I smiled. He went to get dressed and I put on my heart earrings and my infinity necklace my grandfather bought me. I placed my black hat with a veil attached to it on my head. I slipped on my black peep toed heels and headed downstairs. There everyone stood ready to go. I took Valentina’s carrier from my grandmother and we headed out to the cars. We got to the church and everyone went to sit while Gerard, me, Valentina and my grandmother stood by the door to welcome everyone. Soon everyone was here and the service started. My Grandmother made a speech and soon I had to go up and speak. Gerard kissed my cheek and I headed up. “I didn’t want to have to do this for many more years. I love my grandfather. He was my best friend. Someone I could turn to when I needed some help or support. When I found out I had cancer, my grandfather was the first to know. He came and stayed with me for a few months. I then went home for a bit then I was given the news that I wasn’t going to pull through but then when I met Gerard I pulled through. I called my grandfather and he was ecstatic. I was looking forward to him getting to meet my wonderful fiancé but we had to finish the tour first and then I got pregnant. I know he would’ve love Gerard just as much as I love him. He would love Valentina and it breaks my heart to know that he will never be able to meet her. I wish he told me that he had cancer until it was too late. I love you grandpa. Tell my mom and dad I say hi and I love them.” I said. I went and sat back down next to Gerard and cried silently. The priest finished the service and we went to the cemetery. Only the family came which is what my grandmother and I wanted. We placed our roses on his coffin and we were both crying. Willow and Ray took my grandmother back to the house. I told Mikey and Frank to head back to the house with Jamia and Alicia. “Come with me. I want you to meet some people.” I said. He nodded. I held Valentina close to me and held Gerard’s hand as we walked through the cemetery. I stopped at the two head stones I wanted to be at. “Hi mom, Hi dad. I wanted you guys to meet my fiancé Gerard and our little girl Valentina. We are getting married January 18th. I miss you guys so much. I’m in remission now. I have great friends and family now. Willow is still my best friend of course besides Gerard. I just wanted you to meet my family now and I love you guys so much.” I said standing up. “Go to the car with Valentina. I will be right there.” Gee said. I nodded. I buckled Valentina in and waited for Gerard.

Gerard’s POV

I was happy that Lyric took me to meet her parents. “Hi Mr. and Mrs. Moore, I hope you are okay with me asking Lyric to marry me. She is an amazing woman and I love her so much. She is my whole world including Valentina. I hope that you can learn to love me and welcome me into your family. Thank you for giving life to your beautiful daughter that I love more than life itself.” I said. I felt a breeze blow by me and I smiled. I headed back to the car and got in Valentina was asleep holding Lyric’s finger. Lyric was asleep too. I started the car and headed back to the house. I carried Valentina in first and put her in her bassinet to finish her nap. I then went out and got Lyric. I locked the car and put Lyric in the bed after taking off her hat veil thing and her heels. I changed into some more casual clothes. I headed downstairs and found her grandmother. I sat down across form her as she drank her tea. “How are you feeling?” I asked. “Lonely, I don’t want to be alone here once you all leave and head home to New Jersey.” She said. “Well Lyric and I were thinking that we would like to have you move to Belleville with us. We would love you out there plus you can build your relationship with Valentina. I know you might not want to move away after what happened but we would like to have you out there if you want to come.” I said. “Thank you Gerard, that is very sweet of you both. I just don’t have the funds to afford a house out there.” She said. “Nonsense grandma, I would love to use my money to have you out there. Come back with us and we can house hunt.” Lyric said. “Okay, I love you sweetie.” She said. Lyric smiled and hugged her. “Why don’t you go pack a bag with Lyric and I will get everyone’s plane tickets sorted out.” I said. She nodded and they both headed up the stairs. I hope we can find a house for Lyric’s grandmother.

Lyric's outfit for the funeral on the side

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