Chapter 13

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I was 4 months and I was huge. Turns out me and sam are having 2 babygirls We are naming the first girl, Elena. The second one is gonnabe named after Allis middle name which is Nicole and that's a pretty name. I was happy at life at This point. Sam was at the studio while I was home alone. Which I was fine with cause it was nice to have peace and quiet. I heard a knock at the door and I went and opened it to see Andrew. "What Andrew?!" I said angry since he ruined my relationship with sam. "I'm sorry babe" he said. I was so mad and I was gonna go off. I slapped him and said "Don't your babe me! I'm pregnant and In love With sam so forget you!" And pushes him out and locked the door. I went to mine and Sams room and called Alli. I just updated her on Andrew and all that and I told sam when he got home. I'm not letting Andrew ruin my relationship. And I'm pregnant with someone else's babies. And I'm in love with Sam. So forget you Andrew!👋

His Sister: A Sammy wilk fanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ