Chapter 21

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Alli is 8 months pregnant now. She's huge but aye, she's pregnant. Everyone is so excited for Raelynn. I'm gonna be her Aunt Shay cause me and Alli are basically sisters💁💁💁 I thought it would be nice if I went to go pick out a outfit for Raelynn and take it to Alli. (Outfit at top) I got a pink polka dotted bag and put the outfit in there and drove to Allis house and she loved it. Then I went home and cooked spaghetti for me and Sam and feed the babies. When me and Sam were eating he suddenly said, "we should get a dog" "what? No. Sam. We don't need a dog" "babe, please, let's get a husky puppy or something" "fine sam, We can get a puppy" I said and he jumped up and kissed my cheek and I just laughed at him. And suddenly, Nate, johnson and Gilinsky came in with a puppy husky. "Babe, this is snowball" he said looking at me then the white puppy with crystal blue eyes. "He reminds me of Nash" j said and they laughed at me then they left and me and Sam played with the puppy then went to bed.

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