An illness

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You woke up sneezing and drained. You could barely get your self out of bed. Kaneki was already up and moving around when you finally sat up at the edge of the bed. Your legs felt weak and your head was pounding. "(F/n)? Are you okay? You look a bit pail." Kaneki asked studying the dark parts under your eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine, I guess I just didn't sleep well last night. " You said getting up. You couldn't hold up your own wight and fell. Kaneki quickly caught you before you hit the floor. "Your not fine." He said looking into your foggy eyes. You let out a tiny cough. "Your sick. " He picked you up in his arms and laid you back down in the bed.

"Just rest for today. You'll get better soon." He smiled and kissed your forehead. "I'll bring up a glass of water for you." He left the room. He was right, you were sick and your headache got worse by the second. Kaneki soon came back in with a glass of water for you. He placed it on the bed side table near you. He also put a bottle of pain relaxer. "Take two if you start to hurt." He gave you a warm smile and headed downstairs.

"..Why am I sick?...I was fine why now?" You muttered to your self. No matter how hard you try, you couldn't fall asleep. Kaneki would come in a few times to check on you and you pretended that you were.
"(F/n)-san is sick? My, my that's not good " Tsukiyama commented. "I wonder how? She was fine yesterday, wasn't she?" Hinami-chan asked. "Yeah, I have no idea what happened, but hopefully if she rests she'll get better soon." Kaneki said.

"Well I hope so, I never noticed how the room looks kinda gloomy with out her. She's always known how to brighten things up. " Uta said looking around. "Kaneki, why don't you ask how she's feeling? Maybe that will tell us if she just has a cold. " Touka-chan suggested. Kaneki nodded and went back up stairs. He walked in seeing you with your eyes open.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. "Like shit..." You said weakly. " Did you sleep okay this time?" He asked. "...I couldn't fall back to sleep. " You muttered. "Tell me what your syptoms are." Kaneki damanded. "Pain, coughing, sneezing, blurriness, dizziness, sleep deprived, weak, more pain, I'm hot, I'm cold, I have an irregular heart beat, oh, and even more pain." You explained Kaneki looked at you and then at the pill bottle. "You already swallowed them all?!" He said shaking the empty bottle. "Yes, they didn't have any effect on my ether." Kaneki sighed and put the bottle down. He grabbed his jacket and put it on.

"Where are you going?" You asked. "We're going to the vet. " He said. "Wha?! But what if they find out?" You said looking over to him. "They won't if you keep calm and stay a cat. " Kaneki said sitting on the bed next to you. "Come on, change already." He said petting your soft (f/c) ears.

You sighed and changed into a tiny cat. He picked you up and held you close to him. "Your cold." He said while you were shaking in his arms. He walked down stairs "Mommy! You should be in bed!" Hikari said running towards you and Kaneki. "Yeah! Your sick mama!" Reed said after doing the same thing. "I'm going to take her to a place where people will help us find out what is wrong with her and give us medical attention so she can get better. " Kaneki said kneeling down. They both nodded and hugged you lightly. "Alright then. I'll be back. " Kaneki got up and left the house.

He searched for the animal hospital for 45 minutes before finally finding it. He walked in a lady at the desk asked him to come fill out paperwork. "Are you here to get your pet looked at by the doctor? " She asked smiling. "Uh..yes ma'am. " Kaneki didn't know what to say. He's never been in this situation before. "Okay, please sign your name here and here." She said pointing to the spots on the page. After he was done, she took the paper and placed it in one of the doctors mail basket. "Please wait in the waiting room. " she said pointing to the door. Kaneki looked to see a door with a cat on it and another one with a dog on it. He went into the one with the cat and noticed no one else was there. "

"Good, I won't have to deal with others. " He sighed. He checked on you to see if you were okay. You were cold and could barely keep your eyes open. He got worried and lightly stroked your fur.
"Mr. Ken Kaneki? We're ready for you." A doctor said walking in the room. Kaneki nodded and followed him. "Please place her on the table. " the doctor said. Kaneki did so and you squirmed a little. The doctor check the basics, your wight and hight. He then checked your stomach. "She seems to have disturbance with her liver..and kidneys. " The doctor explained. "I'm going to take a blood test. If you could just make sure she doesn't move. " Kaneki moved closer to you and placed his hand lightly on your head and back.

The doctor slowly pierced the needle in your leg taking your blood. You squirmed at the sudden shot of pain in your leg. He soon pulled it out and placed it in a tube. "This will take a few minutes, please wait here." He sloaid and left. "Are you okay?" Kaneki asked you. You opened your eye slightly. "Y-yeah....." Kaneki pet your fur making you give a slight purr. You managed to get close enough to his face to kiss the tip of his nose. "Love you,too." He said.

The doctor came back in with paperwork in his hand. "I'm sorry, bit your cat has feline leukemia(real disses my friends cat died because of it) it's a very deadly disses that female cats get after a certain age. " Kaneki became pail. "It will start in her liver and travel to her heart. " Kaneki got really worried and clenched his fist. "I'm terribly sorry.. but you pet will pass away soon."

Kaneki hear enough and picked you up off the table. "Thank you for your time. " He left the building and quickly ran home. When he finally got there, everyone was looking at you and him worried. "Kaneki? Are you.." "She's dying.."

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