Chapter Five

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When the sun goes down, Jessica brings over a bottle of Bacardi and a 12 pack of coke. We light a bunch of candles, grab some chips and salsa, and sit in Charlie's kitchen with an old radio we found in the attic, and a pack of cards.

Jessica clinks my glass, a different toast to the start of each game, "Here's to staying positive and testing negative," she says with a big smile on her face.

"Here's to cute cousins with tattoo's... and what you said," I say, and we both laugh.

We pass the fading night hours with hands of Rummy until the bottle is empty and our drunken hands have knocked the candles so much they've spilled.

Jessica tries to wipe the wax up to no avail— ultimately just smudging it in.

The next morning we wake to coke cans all over the kitchen and wax all over the table.

We're both a little hung over and decide that next time, we won't drink the whole bottle.

I grab the eggs out of the fridge and crack open four.

"So Jake, and your cousin... they fix cars, right?"

I make a mental note to take four tylenol as she replies, "They work on bikes and stuff. I don't know about cars."

We're both moving at a sluggish pace, "You think they could fix my car?" I pierce each yolk and whisk until the bowl is a sunny yellow.

Jess pours two mimosas and looks over at me. Her brown hair is sticking up in the back and she has mascara all around her blue eyes. She looks like she's still drunk."I think they just fix bikes, but I'll call Briggs if you want me to."

"You will?" I smile at her like, thank you for not making me beg. Because facing Edward Cullen is not on the top of my list.

She grabs her phone as I pour eggs into the pan.

I hear her talking to Briggs and I take a few sips of the more-fizzy-than-orange mimosa. I don't mind because hair of the dog and all.

As I scramble the eggs I picture Briggs doing pull ups, how his muscles flexed and then I picture him again, standing at the bar. His body so defined, his eyes so pretty and his face so sweet. A strong urge for morning hangover sex rises high.

My head pounds as I pour salsa on top of the eggs and fold it into the pan.

"Okay, see you," she hangs up.

"No luck, they only work on bikes, and mostly their own. You're gonna have to call him," she pulls the bacon out of the microwave. "They'll get it done faster than anyone else anyways... and they'll do it right. Just call him."

The thought of it makes me cringe.

We eat and then do a few half-assed yoga poses until we both decide curl up on the couch with blankets and netflix instead.




Three more days go by before I finally swallow my pride and decide to call Edward.

After eight rings I'm transferred back to the lady that answered. "It seems he's stepped out of his office. Can I take a message for you or would you like me to send you to his voicemail?"

"Can you please tell him that Bella Swan called?"

"Sure, Bella. Can I have a number that you can be reached?"

I give her my number and the next day I get a call from the same lady telling me to bring my car into the Parts and Services department next Tuesday.

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