Chapter 13 - Precious Love

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Sana pov:

It felt like the longest time that I just stared at him. It had been one whole year since I had seen him and the fact that he was standing right in front of me was almost too hard to believe.

But he was really here. This reiatsu, that look in his eyes, that brown hair, him....

"Sou....Sousuke.....Sousuke, it is you.....isn't it?" My voice was so hoarse and he just smirked. "Why are you so surprised? I told you I would be back for you." He walked closer and with each step he took, the density of his reiatsu hitting me increased. He stopped a foot away from me and I had to tilt my head up to see his face. He reached out with his left clawed hand to touch me but I looked away immediately taking a step back from him.

His reiatsu fluctuated, showing his obvious dislike for the way I reacted. "Are you afraid, Sana? Are you afraid of my reiatsu?" His voice was teasing, mocking.....and frighteningly challenging. It took me a moment to gather my thoughts. "I am afraid." This time, his reiatsu thickened to an unbreatheable level. I stayed firm though.

"But not of your reiatsu." I looked up at him. He had a frown, something that was uncommon to see on his face. He had some sort of curiosity swirling in his eyes too. "I would be lying if I said I'm completely comfortable with your reiastu....its so strong and oppressing that its hard to breathe. But I'm not afraid....because I love and I trust you."

"Then what are you afraid of, Sana?" He didn't sound as challenging as before and I gave a tiny smile feeling my eyes burn as I blinked. "I'm afraid of what you plan to do next....with your level of power, I'm afraid of what you plan to do with it to Soul Society and the human world. I don't know what sort of training you did to achieve this power and honestly, I don't really care." I smiled more, suddenly feeling the excitement and happiness bubbling within my chest.

"If my sensory abilities are still in tact, I can sense even the Arrancar. They've become strong too, haven't they?" Sousuke smiled, that smile that always made me feel like some sort of sea animal with no bones in my body. It made me weak in the knees.

"That's right. They're here too. And its time we took care of the Quincy and for Soul Society to come back under our control."

Honestly, I didn't even care about what he just said. We could discuss his plans later. First we had to save Soul Society and the human world from Juha san. He was out for revenge and plans set on revenge never end well for the third person. No matter how powerful he was, there would still be chances of something going wrong when someone was blinded by their revenge.

Besides, I had waited long enough. I had resisted long enough. I had stayed away long enough.

Not wasting even another moment, I threw myself into his warm welcoming chest, wrapping my arms around him in a much missed embrace.

It was pure heaven for me when he wrapped his arms around me returning the gesture. I couldn't stop from crying like a child as I buried my face in his chest. His chest vibrated as he chuckled. "What's the matter, Sana? Its not like you to be so easily touched." He teased making me smile through the tears. I finally pulled away from him and looked into his eyes.

"Its your fault....I missed you. I almost gave up on you." I said in a soft voice. This time, I stood on my toes lifting my arms, wrapping them around his neck and rested my chin on his shoulder. He held me back, pressing me firmly against his own body. "Then its good you didn't." I closed my eyes with a smile at his amused voice. Yup, this was my Sousuke. He hadn't changed and I was so glad that he had finally returned.

I lifted one hand to hold his head tenderly, running my fingers through his silky hair. Oh how I had missed him.....this warmth, this fluttery feeling in my stomach, these strong arms wrapped around me. I tightened my arms around him.

From Dusk...To Dawn - Sequel to 'Into the Sweet Darkness'Where stories live. Discover now