Chapter 5

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This past few days the rain never stop and I dont know why but I love the sounds of water that falls like a shower and a cold wind blew upon my skin. As I brush my teeth looking at myself in-front of a mirror I suddenly think about what happened on my weekend suddenly the moment with Lucas on bed pop up "No" I shake off my head immediately and go for shower.

A few minutes later while drying my hair with a glance on my desk clock "Oh shit!" now I remember I have to hurry up for I will be going to the office by train not so sure if my car would already pick up by someone Lucas  people.

On a subway suddenly someone calling my name "Ms.Ada" when I turn around I saw mang Nestor one of the office utility men "Hey mang Nestor good morning, I thought your living on south urban area ahmm why your taking a train from here?" the old man smile and answer my question as we walk inside the train station " Ma'am I went to my daughter's house this weekend to stay for she was giving birth bring her baby gift"..."That was so sweet and kind mang Nestor" I am  so proud of this old man for his unconditional love for his child despite of his already widow and he live alone far from his daughter.

When I got into the office I saw a cup of coffee and a sandwhich on the top my desk with a short note "to the sleepy head angel..good morning"  I secretly smile thinking who give me this breakfast. A knock cut whatever in my thoughts "Ma'am sir Lucas told me to see him as soon as you came in the office" I frawn as I am saying "why? thank you Kate" grabing my planner and a pen I go immediately to Lucas office. "Sir" his with someone over the phone while he wave his hand and sign to take a seat.

After few seconds he hang up the phone "so your here already. Hows your sleep?" I raise my eyebrows "you want to see me immediately
just to ask hows my sleep? Ahm well I'm ok I had a better sleep and rest". Lucas smile and run his right hand in his hair again "Let's have a lunch together later I know a restaurant who serve a best great food..I know you love to eat oh not because you look fat well actually your very slim and I want you to have some fat in your body you can go back to your desk at exactly 11o'clock meet me at the lobby" I stand as I tuck my hair into my ear.

Outside Lucas office I saw James talking to someone over the phone while walking, I just smile and say good morning, he just nod and whisper good morning.

As I sit back to my cubicle I still hear James voice repeatedly in my head saying good morning I day dream while biting the tip of my pen "Huh why he sounds so sexy when he say those words"..the phone ring twice and my secretary knock at my door "Ma'am Mr.Dela Cruz is on the phone" I look excited I take the call "Hey Christian! How are you? What's up, where are you?"..I hear a short laugh over the phone.."Hey hey hey take it easy young woman breath! And you have alot of questions..well actually im here down in the building across the pedestrian"..I stand up going to the glass window as I pull the blinds and look down trying to find him. I saw a man wearing jeans white shirt top with a grey jacket and a cap.."Alright there you are! I already saw you hey come over here"..I saw him look up and smile "Thats exactly what I would want to do, but you would be dissapointed for I'am wearing suits coat and tie" then we both laugh together "Even your wearing rag I dont mind Christian, alright go up here I'll wait you"

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