Ep 8:Unlucky One

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I looked at Max suspiciously..

"Joy?since..i just met you..here...are your schedules"i stood up and take the folded paper She's giving me

"my name Is Christina..i hope you'll study well"she smiled at me and goes back to her serious look.

I opened the folded paper and scan it.."Hmm..
Study hall
Free Time

The schedules i have is the same as my schedule 6 years later.

"Hey...psst!"i looked around finding that male voice calling me.

Its that weirdo.."Hah!finally!"Max smiled

"What do you want?"i asked angrily.

"later at our study hall..can you sit beside me?"what the?

"seriously?do you have any friends?!"i asked

"None..so i am making one now!"

Max seems kind..he's smile can make anyone calm..but why dont he have any friends?

Max Giggled..he's as immature as Chris!i remembered Chris...he should go to school tomorrow hmmph!..

"Today we'll have partners!"Max signaled me.

"Fine"..i rolled my eyes

"pick your partners!"Max ran to me

"do you know Biology?"he asked

"Yes..but thats my hatest subject..i failed at Biology though"i replied

"really?whats your grade at your test last year?"

"A-"his eyes widened..

"Thats your lowest grade?!"i nodded

"Wow..but..i could help you at Biology..thats my favorite subject"

When he smile..i smile..he seems like a person who have a lot of friends..sadly..no..

"Do you think we'll disect frogs?!"i asked half joking

"Yes"...his tone is serious..

"you guys will disect frogs!"The students gasped

"No way!"The other student said

"Yes way!!"Max shouted..the class was back to silence..

Max sit down and looked down..

"Are you okay?"i asked..he seems down

"Yeah..you see..they hated me..i just don't know why..i tried to be nice to them..but"I hold his shoulders and smiled

He smiled back"come on!"

"To the lab!"We walk to the laboratory..Unharmed

The burnt laboratory after 6 years was a mess..The unexpected lie.

"You see those jars?there are frogs in there!"Ms. Christina smiled..a really creepy smile

"Now take the frog out of the Jar."I hold the jar and Max opened it

I looked at Max face. his cheerful face, is just a mask to hide his sadness

(12 yrs old)Joy's POV
i walk down the long hallway and looking at the really cool trophies

"Awesome.."i am filled with awestruck..this is my first time to enter a big campus.

thankfully, Joy gave me a pass. While walking,i bump to someone

"Im sorry!"i said, closing my eyes tightly

"Joy?"I looked up. It's Todd...what is he doing here?!

"Do you have a pass?"i asked.

"Yeah..how about you?do you have a pass?"he asked with a smirk

"Yes,i do"I showed him.

His eyes widened. And snatched the card from me

"Thank you!!haha!sorry Joy, but i need this haha!"He ran away

"Hey!thats mine!!"i chased Todd and tried to follow his every step

But he's fast so i didn't get to catch up

"Todd give that back to me!"I shouted

"Oh great..Joy we'll be mad at me"Fear filled up my head.

I walk around..finding Joy

Until i found her in the Lab... i should tell her..

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