Chapter 10

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Leo ran over to one of the four piles. A sign in front of it read "Chinese Fireball."

"These are really weird names," Calypso said. Leo turned around to see Calypso looking at another sign that read "Swedish Short-Snout." Leo walked over to another pile to read its sign. It read "Hungarian Horntail." The last one read "Common Welsh Green."

"I suggest we start with the Common Welsh there." Charlie walked up to Leo, followed by about ten other wizards and witches. "It's the calmest one. Do you have the blueprints?" Calypso waved the blueprints she was holding. "Excellent. So," he turned to the others, "Leo will be the head of this project because he knows so much about mechanics. We're here to help with their behavior and crap. So, Leo, do you have instructions?"

Leo began to explain what the first thing they needed to do was and what parts they needed first. Charlie's buddies used magic to get down the first parts without taking the entire pile down, and Leo began working. Calypso helped him put pieces together, and directed what parts they needed. By lunch, they had the entire head of the Common Welsh put together. Just as they were about to head inside to the Great Hall, their lunches appeared out of thin air. A note attached to the plates read Dobby insisted that he send you lunch. –Dumbledore. Calypso smiled.

"Dobby's so sweet!"

"Yeah, and a good chef, too," Leo said as he dug into his food.

Charlie joined them with his sandwich. "So," he said inbetween bites. "How's Harry holding up? I promised mum I would see how he was doing. She actually believes what Rita Skeeter wrote!" He rolled his eyes.

"Harry's fine," Calypso said. "Um—what did Rita Skeeter write?"

Charlie sighed. "She was supposed to be writing about all of the champions, but she only wrote about Harry, and mentioned the others at the end. She said a bunch of stuff about how Harry still cried about his parents and crap like that. Personally, I don't believe a bit of it. Rita Skeeter's always been a load of crap, but mum thinks she's tellin' the truth this time. Poor Harry's probably bein' torn to bits up at the castle." They finished their lunch and got back to work. By that evening, Leo had built up to half of the dragon's neck. He was planning on putting an on and off switch somewhere, but he didn't want the champions to see it. Dumbledore had told them to make sure people thought it was real so they felt there was real danger. The group decided to go inside for dinner.

"So, how's my little Ronny doin'?" Charlie asked as they walked inside. Calypso and Leo looked at each other, and before Leo knew what he was doing, he was telling Charlie the entire story.

"We haven't talked to him in a few weeks," Leo said. He didn't even know why he was telling Charlie all this. He barely knew the guy. Something about him just seemed so comfortable. Charlie shook his head.

"Ron's always had a hard time with being the smallest. He's the youngest brother and mum's always paying so much attention to Ginny, he just always gets skipped over." He looked at the two of them. "Just make sure to stick with Harry. He's gonna need it. Trust me, you just leave 'lil Ronny alone for a bit, and he'll come back around." Leo shrugged.

"I hope so. I don't know how much more Harry can take." They reached the Great Hall to be suffocated by Harry and Hermione. "Oh, gosh, Hermione!" Leo laughed. "I can't breathe!" Hermione laughed.

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