She's My Break

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Your POV:

Today was another game. Another friendly. I was looking at pictures of Rosa on my phone. 

"She's adorable." Crystal said.

I smiled. "She is isn't she."

"Looks just like you." She laughed. "Mini Y/N."

"Everything like me except for her actions."

"All Ally?"

"All Kelley." The team laughed. "KO sees my daughter more than I do." I laughed.

We walked out onto the pitch for pre game warmups. 

After all that we got ready for the game. 

"Let's go!" Crystal yelled dancing onto the field. The ref blew the whistle and the match started.

Ally's POV:

We were all gathered in my house watching the match. Hope was holding Rosa who was sleeping. 

"Who knew angry Hope Solo was so good with kids." Kelley laughed.

"I was good with you when you joined my backline." Hope said. Kelley stopped laughing as everyone stared at them.

"Burn!" Heather said.

Kelley pouted and I patted her shoulder. 

Your POV:

"10 minutes till halftime!" I heard someone on the bench yell. I continued to run around and try to win the ball. It was still the first half but we were up 2-0.

"Ball!" I yelled. I got the ball and ran towards goal.

Ally's POV:

One of the defenders slide into Y/N and she went down hard. The defender then stepped on her stomach as she tripped over her. Y/N grabbed her stomach immediately and rolled onto her side. The ref gave a yellow card and the trainers ran onto the field.

"This doesn't look good for Y/N L/N. She just got stepped on by the defender. And it looks like there is a bit of bleeding." 

I stared at the TV. They lifted her jersey and there was blood. "The trainer has just signaled for a substitution to be made here in the 37th minute. Y/N L/N is coming out."

They got her on the stretcher and wheeled her off the field. She covered her face and the fans cheered and clapped for her.

Your POV:

"How you doing?" The trainer said as we walked off the field.

I just groaned. 

"We'll take care of you. You'll be back playing in no time."


I held my sleeping daughter in the hospital bed and stared at her face. She was beautiful.

"Hey." Hope came in. She looked at my daughter. "How are you feeling?" She said quietly and sat next to me.

"Good." I smiled.

"She's beautiful." Hope smiled.

"I know." I said. "I have a daughter." I looked up at her. "I'm a mom."

Hope looked down. "Speaking of moms we need to talk."

"What happened?" I sat up worried.

"After you got wheeled out of the room and everyone left your mom fell asleep." Hope started. "While you were giving birth your mom passed in her sleep."

I froze.

"I'm so sorry Y/N." Hope said. 

"She's not suffering anymore." I whispered to myself. I looked at Hope. "She's gone."

She looked down. "You've been through so much in your life I wish you could just catch a break." 

I looked down at my daughter. "She is my break. All the pain I've gone through, I'm happy now because of her." I smiled. 

"What are you gonna do about your career?"

"I just had a baby Hope. I need some time." I said. "I'll be back on the field soon though. I don't think I'm ready to give it up yet."

My future after high school is going to shit cause I have no chance of getting into any of the schools I'm interested in! Yay me.  

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