The Stretcher

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Hope's POV:

Like in France, we called the cops. We filled them in on the whole situation and they let us go with them. 

Y/N was probably gonna do something stupid. Lauren said I'd be able to stop it. 

I hope so. I wouldn't be able to live with myself seeing Rosa and knowing that her mother got hurt because of me.

"Ok we're pulling in now. Everyone stay focused." The cop said. "I want officers around the perimeter. As far as we know he is armed and dangerous."

"Solo." Another officer said.

Kling's POV:

"Kling you good?"

"Just my arm." I said. "I'll be fine."

She pointed the gun at him. "You fucking shot Kling you asshole!"

"She moved!"

"I HAD TO SNEEZE!" I said. 

Hope's POV:

"I don't want to kill you!" We heard Kyle. "I WANT HER!" 

"THEN SHOOT ME! I'm right here!" 

"Y/N don't." I whispered. 

There was noise in the room. "KLING!" 


Then there was a gunshot.

No one's POV:

The rest of the team stood outside. They heard the gunshot. No one knows who got shot.

Kelley covered her mouth as tears rolled down her cheeks. Alex wrapped her arms around her, attempting to comfort her friend. 

Carli was emotionless. It was mostly from the shock of what happened.

"Target is down. We need a stretcher in here." A cop said over the radio. Paramedics rushed in with a stretcher. "2 wounded." 

Tobin kneeled down and buried her face in her hands. The doors of the abandoned building opened. Kyle was led out in handcuffs. 

Hope walked out with blood on her shirt. 

"No." Julie walked forward. 

More paramedics ran into the building. They put Kyle in the back of the cop car and drove off.

"Hope." Carli said. She put her hand on her best friends arm. "What happened?"

Hope just shook her head. 

Tobin stood up and walked away. "Tobin." Lauren went after her.

They watched the stretcher wheel out of the building. 

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