Always Will

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"And it's the youngster. Y/N L/N making her USWNT debut today. Hope Solo's exact words? Watch this kid." 

"You got this." Abby said. "It's just another game."

"Yeah kid!" Lauren yelled.

"Welcome to the big time." Megan patted my back.

"We got your back." Tobin said.

"Always will." Carli nodded.

"Hey Y/N!" I looked towards Julie. "Try to hold the ball. I'm trying to NOT run a lot this game." Becky hit her. "Ow! I'm kidding!" 

I walked towards Alex. "You and me? Ready kid?"

"Let's go this."


Hope's POV:

"Hope. Hope wake up." I opened my eyes. 


"Rosa wants you." Whitney said. 

I smiled. I walked over and picked her up. "Come on little girl." We went outside. "What can I do for you cutie?"

"I miss my mommy." 

"I miss her too." I said. I held her. "You know she'll be fine right?"

She nodded. "I'm tired." She put her head on my chest. 

"Sleep. I'm here."


"First win!" The locker room was wild. "First goal. Way to go kid." Kling laughed. "She does speak English right?"

I glared at her. "No. I don't."

Hope pushed her away. "Congrats." She gave me the match ball that the whole team signed. "First of many I'm sure." I nodded. "Good. The more goals you score, the less work I have to do." She smirked. "Keep it up."

I stood there. 

"Alright superstar. Shower up we gotta head out." Sydney said.


"Enjoy it." Christie said. "You're the future of this team. In a few years most of us will be gone."

"I don't want to think of that right now."

"I don't either, but it's true. We'll always have your back though." She walked away.


Your POV:

What is happening? Where am I?

What the fuck? Is that Hope? 

"Hope!" I said. "Hope! What's happening?" 

Rosa fell asleep on her chest. "Why are you ignoring me?"

She looked up. "Hope? Say something!'

"She can't see you."

"Mom? What's going on? Why can't she see me?"

"Because you're dead."

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