Mixed Up | 3 ☯

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After texting Kai for the last time, I skipped every other step on my way downstairs and sweeped my black Chuck Taylors up off the ground as I made my way towards the kitchen, where my mom was.

She turned to me as I pulled a chair from the kitchen table and plopped down, almost out of breath from racing down the stairs. 
"Where are you off to?" My mom asked, turning her attention back to making dinner. 

I laced up my shoe quickly and messily, too focused to answer until I was working on the other one. "Going to hang out with Chris and Malakai." 

"Chris and who?" She took her attention away from the food to stare at me.

I had to include Chris's name or else I wouldn't be allowed anywhere near Kai by myself until she had formally met him and all that stupid stuff. She likes Chris, thinks he's a nice kid, so if she thinks I'm with him I wouldn't have to worry about her not trusting me.

"I met him at Chris's house last night, Kai is a friend of his."

"Chris will be there, right?"

"Yes, mom. I'll text you later." 

I kind of felt bad for lying to her but at the same time, it was harmless. It's better off this way for a little while, I need to get to know him first before I make him meet my crazy judgmental mother.

She didn't have an issue with me going anymore, as long as she thought Chris was there everything was fine. I finished tying my shoes, making awkward small talk with my mom, and was off to find a hoodie. Summer was nearing its end and the nights were starting to cool off. 

Kai texted me to let me know he was here and my heart sank into the pit of my stomach. Times like these, where I'm sprinting around my house like crazy trying to get myself together, I curse the fact that he only lives about five minutes from me. But I'm sure I'll appreciate it in the future.

I yelled goodbye to my mom and swung my front door open, taking a deep breath as I heard it shut behind me. After rushing around like that I needed to just chill for a second before I went to his car. 

He parked down by the road, which was a pretty long walk for me since my front yard is huge and on a hill, the road is all the way at the bottom. To make it an even longer walk for me, he not only didn't park in front of my house, he parked in front of Chris's house. 

"Took you long enough." 

I couldn't see where he was, I could only hear the smile in his voice. 

Finally I got down to the road and saw him in front of Chris's. I was thankful for his phone screen lighting up his face, it made seeing him in complete darkness a lot easier. 

"Don't complain, do you see how far I had to walk for you? You're welcome." I responded to his comment once I got closer to him. He was right in front of me now and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him.

He chuckled. "You play volleyball, yet you complain about walking down a hill.." He looked down at me with a smirk. "You're somethin' else, kid. Come on."

"Where are we going?" He started walking past Chris's, so I quickly tried to catch up with him.

"We're taking a walk, lazy ass!"

I laughed, shaking my head. "Whatever you say."

I stayed next to him, glancing over at him while he was on his phone 'cause I didn't want him to see me straight up staring at him while he was walking but I couldn't help it. He was concentrating on writing a message, his lips pursed together which caused his dimples to appear, only adding to the attractive things about him. 

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