Mixed Up | 7 ☯

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Earlier this morning I woke up at Christopher's house, dried blood blocking the airways in my nose and a heavy pounding in my head. 

Malakai walked me home, proposing that I come to his house tonight to meet his mom for dinner and I honestly wasn't expecting it. What the hell am I going to tell my mom, that I'm going to my black friend's house, to meet his family? Should go over really well since my mom already hates the kid she's never met. 

I had to agree, meeting his mom would be terrifying but I wouldn't be doing it alone.

It was mid-afternoon and he was picking me up at any second now. My mom believed that I was staying at my friends house, one of the girls on my volleyball team. She didn't care, she'd just get drunk tonight, forget I even existed. All she knew, and all she needed, was at the bottom of a bottle. 

While waiting for that text that says he's here, I stood in front of my body-length mirror and tried to perfect myself.
I was wearing some navy blue skinny jeans, cuffed at the ankles since my legs are too short but I loved the way they accentuated my thicker legs, since they were more on the muscular side it was hard to find good jeans but these are perfect. Thanks for the muscle, volleyball. I had on a white and navy pin-striped button up, obviously not buttoned up all the way. Timberland boots — I'd wear heels but I can't walk in them to save my life, so they aren't an option. And to top it off, just a gold accent necklace and some really tiny, baby gold hoops in the couple holes I have pierced in my ears. 
My hair fell in curls down my back, since he loves my naturally curly hair I embrace it just for him. 

He picked me up just in time, before I drove myself crazy, thinking I looked too casual, too dressed up, I needed more of this, less of that. I noticed a small bruise on the bridge of my nose from last night, thankfully makeup covered most of it, but what if she sees? Is she going to think I'm one of those trashy girls who get into fights?

I quickly said goodbye to my mom, trying to escape the house as fast as possible. I was ready for my night with Malakai, ready to meet his mom, ready to see the side of him I've never seen before. Does meeting his mom mean things are getting serious between us?

The walk to his car was agonizing, but it was all worth it once I saw his face, heard his voice, felt his small kiss on my cheek.

"You look great." He looked over, completely forgetting to focus on the road for a few seconds. "You make that nose bruise work."

Immediately I was blushing, ducking my head down so he wouldn't see how my face lit up, how big my smile was. It was odd to have someone always think so highly of you, I could wear sweatpants and absolutely no makeup on around him and he'd still look at me like I hung the moon and the stars entirely myself. 

"Just a warning," Malakai started, his voice turning dull. "My mom isn't the nicest person, so if she acts weird, please don't take it personally." 

I smiled, "Did you forget that I don't have feelings? Ice cold, baby."

"Ah, sorry, Ice Princess. How could I have possibly forgotten?"

I chuckled at his nickname, Ice Princess was so fitting. I tried to not let things hurt me, to not be weakened by emotions. Of course, sometimes it just happens and you can't help it, especially when you bottle things up like I do — you're bound to explode one day and feelings are going to pour out of you, it's beyond your control. But what I can control, I do.

Pulling into his driveway sent butterflies surging through my insides. I froze up while he stepped out of the car, I couldn't bring myself to do it. 
He walked to the passenger side, opened my door and outstretched his hand for me to take. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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