Mixed Up | 5 ☯

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I pulled my blanket closer to me, letting out a small groan as I stretched my legs. The sun was rising and little rays of sun were peeking through my blinds and hitting me directly in my eyes.

Good morning to me.

"Kai, I'm sor—" I turned to face him, but he wasn't there. "Malakai?"

A tiny piece of paper was found on my pillow, where his head rested only hours ago. 
"I'm sorry I couldn't stay to make you breakfast and watch you wake up, I had to get home before my mom got up. I want to be alive so I can see you again, can't do that if she wakes up and finds I'm gone. I hope you feel better than you did last night. - K"

Disappointment fell over my face. It was like as soon as I wasn't in his presence everything came rushing back, everything was gnawing on my mind at once, and this time I was alone. He wasn't here to hold me.

Immediately grabbed my phone from the nightstand and dialed his number. 

After only two rings his voice was singing in my ear, "Goooooodmorning." 

"Hey," My sleepy voice cracked. "What time did you leave?"

Images of last night played in my mind, seeing his car pull up, seeing him walk towards me with his arms open, falling asleep in those arms that night. It caused a smile to form on my face, this was escalating so quickly but it didn't even bother me. When you meet the one, you know it immediately. 

"Around five, but it's fine. Hey, Nat, what happened last night? Why were you so upset?"

That's when my smile faded. 

I remember the argument with my mother so clearly — her screaming at me for liking someone outside of my race. She treated it as a crime, threatened to disown me if I did so little as touch him. 
"I don't want him coming around anymore," She said, angrily throwing dishes around in the sink as she cleaned them. "You're getting too attached and I will not have mixed grandchildren. Absolutely not. You wanna see him? You'll sit on the porch where I can see you, and he is not allowed in the house. You won't leave with him, and you won't meet him anywhere. Understood?"
She made me feel like I was doing something wrong, like I didn't deserve this little bit of happiness that I had.


I had forgotten I was on the phone with him. 

"Yeah, hey, I'm sorry," I spit out. "It's a long story, I just got into it with my mom a little. She ended up leaving last night, haven't seen her since. I've been home alone."

"If you don't want to be alone I can come over." Kai suggested quietly.

"I'll call you later, I think a little time alone is what I need, you know?"

"Yeah, I do. Call me later."

I hung up and stood from my comfortable position, grabbing the note from my pillow and placing it on my nightstand. 

Sliding some sweatpants on, I put my phone in my pocket and headed downstairs. The t-shirt I was wearing still smelled just like him and it almost saddened me.

I went outside and sat on one of my porch chairs, playing some music quietly. I just needed some time to relax, I think. To think about my family, Kai, all of it. 

If I choose Kai, I won't have my family but I'll have someone who cares about me and makes me happy. If I choose my family, I know they love me and care for me, and it's more than just one person, but I won't experience that happiness that I feel with Malakai. I won't feel the rush I get when I hug him or when I hear his laugh ringing in my ears. 

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