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I walked into the doctors office and sat down as I filled out my forms . My last mentrustal cycle ?. Hell if I know

I filled it out to the best of my ability and then turned it in

" Are you Dr Lisa ?" She asked looking at me

I smirked " Yes I am " I said really not sure if I wanted to answer that

" And you might be pregnant?. Shocker " she said shaking her head

I looked at her " Yeah most likely " I said getting annoyed

" Hmm this is shocking . Anyways you can take a seat . He'll be with you in a moment " she said

I walked away ignoring her unnecessary comments.
I took my seat and opened my phone and began playing games

" He will see you know " the nurse said standing at the door waiting for me to walked back there

I got up and walked in front of her to the scale

She weighed me and I've gained 3 pounds like what the fuck

" Hey Lisa!. How are you ? " the nurses said greeting me

" great . Thank you" I said smiling as she got my height .

I was brought into a room so I could wait on my doctor

I was waiting for about an hour

I heard a knock on the door " Hey Lisa " he said coming up to me and shaking my hand

" Hey dr" I said smiling

" So you're pregnant?" He said looking at me

I pulled out the papers that confirmed it and handed it too him

" Alright well , let's take a listen. Lay back for me " he said

I done as he told me and he lifted my shirt and pressed down gently on my stomach . He put the gel on my tummy and looked at the screen .

" Ah, the heart beat is strong . Good!.  Looks like it's about 3 months developed " he said zooming In

" Sounds about right" I said wiping my tears away from my cheek

" Well, I'll printout your first sonogram. And write your prescription " he said pressing a button.

I grabbed my sonogram pictures and then took my prescription. We departed our separate ways.

My next appointment was next month .

I went to the pharmacy and got my medicine. I didn't like for everyone to know my business actually I hated it . I was a very private person . Often too private

I just didn't like for people to ask me about my life .

I got my prescription and quickly left. I stopped off and got something to eat before going home . Chinese sounded fantastic

I got my food and finally made it home .

I took my shower and then ate my food and chilled in the living room

I flipped through the channels as I rubbed my stomach . I grabbed the photos of my baby .

You are inside of me. I'm actually going to be a mom.

I was astonished .

I got up and walked into my room and looked in the mirror . I pulled up my shirt . It just looks like I'm bloated

I rubbed my belly again and then laid down in bed .

Me hearing the heartbeat made it even more real .

I was definitely going to be a mother

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