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My baby bump has been growing like he or she went on a growing rampage ! I couldn't believe that you could now actually tell I was pregnant . My bump was visible .

4 months and I'm already showing .

I rubbed my belly as I walked around the hospital

" Code Blue.Code blue!" I heard over the intercom

I raced to the room that was blinking. A little boy who just got out of surgery . Him and his family got into a wreck and he hasn't woken up since yesterday .

" He isn't responding to anything .  They said injecting him with meds.

" Get the paddles!" I said quickly

They got the paddles and I hurriedly rubbed them together

" Charge !" I said as I held them on his chest

Everyone moved back

I waited ...


" Higher!" I said telling the nurse

I placed them on his chest .

Shit .

I got ontop of him and began CPR.

" He's gone!" Kyle said trying to pull me off

" We can't just give up on him!" I said still going

He grabbed me off the patient .

I jerked away from him

" Call time " he said as he pulled me out of the room

" What's your problem!" He asked raising his voice

I rolled my eyes and walked away from him .

" Are you feeling okay ?" My nurse asked as she looked at me

" Yeah . Thank you !. " I said smiling

" Well, you are glowing and I'm liking it!" She said smiling as she walked away

" Thanks" I said going to the reception desk .

I pulled out the charts and filled it out or signed them after I looked over them .

It's been a long day. People have died on my watch. I done CPR for 20 minutes straight and now I'm feeling it .

I rubbed my stomach as I walked away from the desk .
I went to my office and sat down .

I heard a knock on my door " Come in!" I said rubbing my face

Kyle walked in smiling " How are you?" He asked

" I'm fine. I've lost kids before" I said

" Yeah but you weren't pregnant before" he said sitting in front of me

" Kyle , I'm fine" I said looking at him as I placed my hand on my stomach

" I didn't mean to grab you that hard. I'd never want to hurt you" he said looking at my stomach

" You're fine. I'm sure the baby is okay " I said

" You couldn't save him " he said

" Don't tell me who I can and cannot save!" I said getting up

" You need to control your emotions " he said

I stood up " You need to leave!" I said walking to the door

He chuckled and walked passed me.

" If that's how you want to be , then so be it" he said slamming the door in behind him

I rubbed my head and got up. I'm tired of this bullshit .

I rolled my eyes as I sat down. I caught a cramp in my stomach .

I bent over as I moaned .

I got up to walk it off..

This is crazy. What's going on with me .

I walked up to the desk and I caught another cramp.

I sat down and held my stomach .

" Are you okay Dr.Marshall?" The receptionist asked

I moaned out before answering " I'm okay " I said

" Let's get you too a room?" She said

" No I'm fine. Just prep my guy for surgery " I said standing up .

I pressed on my stomach as I stood up once more .

I took a deep breath and I collapsed onto the ground .

Kyle raced to me as he picked me up . He took me into the room and laid me on the bed.

An IV and a baby monitor was on me within seconds .

" Tell me what's going on" Kyle said as he listened to the baby

" Sharp pain in my stomach " I said rubbing it

" The baby heart rate is down. Let's get an CATScan done and we'll see what's going on" he said looking at me as he kissed my hand

I was rolled into the room as they done some test on me.

An hour or so later as I laid in the bed waiting for the results. Kyle came in.

" Looks like you fractured a bone . Right about here" he said pointing to the picture

" Great" I said rolling my eyes

" I'm sorry, this is probably my fault " he said walking up to me .

" Don't blame this on yourself!. I was the one doing CPR " I said looking at him

He shook his head " Your dismissed until the fracture is healed. I hope you get well soon " he said walking out

I rolled my eyes as I signed my name .

I can't believe this!.

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