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" What did it say?" I asked Rico as he walked into my apartment

" I'm the father" he said sitting on the couch

" Are you okay?" I asked looking at him

He looked at me. " I'm sorry for doing this too you. I really thought I was careful " he said as he pulled me next to him

" Rico!. It's fine. I'm happy , I hope your happy !. This baby is going to mean the world to the both of us" I said looking at him

" I know.. I'm just at a lost for words" he said

I sat beside him and he didn't say anything .

I didn't know what to say or do. So I sat there beside him .

Half an hour later he put his hand on my stomach . " is it kicking ?" He asked looking at me

" No. I think it's sleeping now " I said rubbing my stomach also .

" How far along are you?. What's the sex? " he asked

" 6 months and I don't know yet . We couldn't see it in the sonogram cause it was hiding " I said shaking my head

Rico bent down and kissed my belly . " I promise to be the best father" he said looking at my belly

He kissed it one last time before looking at me.

I smiled at him .. " I'm sure you are Rico" I said looking at him

He kissed me passionately as he picked me up and took me to my bedroom.

" Wait.. You have to be gentle" I said as I pulled away

He nodded his head and let out a growl as he kissed me once more .

He took off my clothes and then his as he went down on me.

I gripped the covers as his tongue done all the exploring.

I couldn't take it anymore . I climaxed and he licked me clean .

I sat up as his dick went into my mouth . I began sucking on it until he pulled away and roughly stuck it up me

I flinched as he pounded me , it felt so good. My moans echoed in the house .

I couldn't believe how horny I was. I know I haven't had sex in a while but I was uncontrollably horny and it killed me.. Cause I don't have just random sex with anyone . I have morals and I'm antisocial


He finished as he kissed me and put his clothes back on.. I laid there and covered up in my blankets .

" Where are you going?" I asked sitting up

" I have business to take care of but I'll back here later" he said walking out the door

I rolled my eyes as I laid back .. He never stays in one place for too long

I feel asleep right after ..


Rico has came by everyday. We've had sex everyday sometimes more than 3 times . I mean it was great and everything but he left right after we'd have sex .

As if he was using me .

I mean we weren't really a couple before but I kinda wanna make things more serious now that we have a baby together but he seems not to even care that we have a little person coming into the world . And it will need more than sex to keep us talking

He was just focused on one thing and then left .

We talked for a bit .. Well he talked to the baby for a bit but then after that we'd have sex and then he'd leave ..

I wasn't any better than that cause I let him . But in my defense. I was horny human being . I couldn't control myself especially when he came around

He knew what to say and what to do to turn me on.

I rolled my eyes as I laid there naked . I have a doctors appointment in a few hours .

I got up and took my shower and got dressed .

It was getting chilly out . So I wore a jacket ..

I got into my car and made my way to my appointment. I saw a car who was following pretty close behind me . 

I looked at the rear view mirror and I sped up and do did the car ..

I made it to my appointment and I got out the car looking for the black Mercedes that was following me ..

No where in site ..

I'm just paranoid. No one wants to follow me .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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