Chapter 2:Forever Girl

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Damn… I can’t believe it’s been almost two years since I last saw her. She was so beautiful and I was such a fool to let her go. CRAP! Just thinking about her make my heart float, break then sink. In all of my dreams I just see her with blinding light behind her shining… yeah yeah yeah I know it sound cliché but it’s true, but always right before I wake up the light turns black and she runs away. That sorta ish makes a nigga feel heartbroken.

It’s almost time for our next concert that’s in Philly. Man this place brings back so many memories… this was when I last saw her smiling face. I can still remember it; smiling while tears run down her face and as soon as I turned I saw her running away to god knows where… if only she were back in my arms.




I said that it was going to be a great show and what great show it was indeed. They were singing all their new songs like Brightside, House Party, Band-Aid and basically everything else. In other words this concert was tough. (DE slang for dummies- bad[in the good way], good, great and another words associated with words listed.)

Forever was basically my favorite slow song they had on their album, the words reminded me of someone… it bugs me that I can’t remember who though. I forgot all about the previous when Bang Bang Bang came on. I started to scream on the top of my lungs trying to belch out the lyrics over the thousands of fans. This song was my pre-sex song, I wasn’t about to let this song go. While I was screeching the lyrics I could’ve sworn I saw one of the MB member look down at me and smile. His smile was golden… Perfect, angel, heavenly smile. He was the one with the blonde in his hair… what was his name again… OH! It was Prodigy! I don’t care how much I loved Roc Royal; Prodigy’s smile was the best. Them jawns can make a nigga knees give way.

“OMG! OMG! DID YOU SEE THAT JUST NOW?!” Joanna said shaking my arm viciously. “DID YOU SEE THE WAY PRODIGY JUST SMILED AT ME LIKE THAT?! MY FUCKING OVARIES!!!!” Joanna screamed into my ear.

All I could do was laugh at my conceitedness. Like Prodigy from MINDLESS BEHAVIOR would smile at me and not my obviously more gorgeous best friend. Not to be a hater, but I hate the fact that Joanna is the prettiest out of all of us yet she thinks she’s the ugliest thing since that blue waffle picture. It makes so mad at her, especially because I found out that Marcus had a crush on her when I liked him. I got over it though because love isn’t always how you plan it to be.

The concert went on and it was time for MB to pick their Forever Girl. (A:N/ idk if they really do this, I just assumed they would with a new album out.)

“ALL YOU LOVELY FANS OUT THERE LET ME HERE YOU MAKE SOME NOISE!!!” Ray Ray said into a microphone a worker gave him.

“MB AND I ARE LOOKING FOR OUR FOREVER GIRL!!! IS IT ONE OF YOU?!” Princeton said into microphone.

I must admit I wasn’t a big fan of Princeton, but he sure knew how to turn a crowd of MB crazy fans up!

“WE GON’ START TO PICK OUR FOREVER GIRL RIGHT ABOUT NOW Y’ALL!!” The crowd went crazy when Prodigy said that out to the crowd. “IMMA GO FIRST.”


Look, I know I’m no lady killer, but I swear I had this one diehard fan exploding her ovaries.  She would not stop screaming my name. ‘PRODAJAY! PRODAJAY! I LOVE YOU PRODAJAY!’ At one point during the show I bent my head down to get a look at her through my shades… she was not at all how I was imagining her; no nappy ass hair in a puff on the top of her head, none of that. She looked like she was part Indian because she had long thick beautiful black hair. In my opinion she looked like an Indian goddess. I just had to smile at my stupidity and judgmentalness when I thought she looked like that. That’s when I noticed that I caused a volcanic eruption in that girl because she turned to her friend and started yelling in her ear. She was so loud I heard parts of it. My favorite part was ‘MY FUCKING OVARIES!!!!’ …I found her really cute.

When it came time to pick my Forever Girl you already know who was on my mind. Ovaries Girl.

“GIRL IN THE MUSIC IS MY LIFE T-SHIRT, COME UP HERE GIRL!!” I said with some cockiness.

By now I completely obliterated this girl’s mind. She probably thought that she would be the last one I would pick for anything.

Trust me when I say that imma bout to rock that girl’s world.

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