Chapter 4: We're Great Friends :/

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Why did he have to pick that Mary girl… Oh right I remember! He’s a fucking perv. -__- But I can’t blame him. She’s really pretty and I’m not that pretty. Well at least that’s what I think but all my friends are ‘No Boo, your beautiful’ or ‘Girl, what mirror are u looking at, ‘cause all I see is gorgeousness’ I mean it's flattering, but I just can’t see what they see. Maybe I was dropped on the head as a baby.

I was disappointed and I think I clearly showed it because I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. I looked over to see Cadyn with a pouty face. I guess I must’ve been crying because she pulled her sleeve over her hand and wiped my face. 

“You’re too cute to cry boo.” Cadyn said with a gentle smile. “Good thing I said that was should all wear waterproof make-up. We’re all a bunch of crybabies.” She said with a hushed giggle, which made me giggle as well. Well at least I’m not in the audience alone.



I’m still up on stage, and I’m still scared shitless. Since I was the first one to be picked I was still standing on stage, and boy was I nervous. Prodigy never let go of my hand, and what’s more is that my cheeks were red. Now I’m not saying I’m team light skin, but I’m not saying I’m team dark skin either, but yet you could see that my cheeks were rosy. The whole time I’ve been up on stage I kept thinking that Prod was giving me googly eyes, but who am I to say, I keep looking at the damn ground. I think it’s safe to say that I let my shyness get the best of me.

While I was having mixed emotions about being on stage, it was now Roc’s turn to pick a Forever Girl. Prince had picked my girl Chrissy, well he actually picked Cadyn, but I think the only people who know that are the girls, Princeton and I. After Princeton picked, Ray picked. Unfortunately he did not have the opportunity to bask in the excellence of my marvelous companion… whom I refer to on the first name basis… daily… via internet, cellular device, etc.  AKA my goon Robin. Instead he picked a girl with a figure 8. Robin may be skinny but she be caking, why can’t his twig self relate?!

Anyway I was just standing up there like a big doof- something that I will not fail to repeat- when Roc begins to pick his Forever Girl. I was hoping and praying that he’d pick Cadyn. I’m pretty sure she was too.


I AM HOPING AND PRAYING THAT ROC ROYAL DO NOT CALL ME! For starters my hair was a whole mess but I didn’t really bother with it much because the condition of which it’s in was for a good cause… and it’s really dark in the audience; you can only see the people next to you. Second, I can’t leave my homes by herself, that’s not right…

Then this is the part where I face palm myself for being so fucking conceited. Robin gave a look when I did that but I didn’t give a fuck. I felt so arrogant, the very thing I hate on this world. Arrogance is a feeling I never want to feel again… EVER! If I could slap me I would… oh wait… I CAN! Wait no, if I do that then Robin might call the crazy house on me again. Yes, again. I don’t really remember it much but I think like two years ago they diagnosed me with some mental disease… I don’t really remember what it was because like I said I don’t really remember it much. What I do remember was going ballistic and injuring myself badly. When I came through, I couldn’t remember how I got to a hospital or how I was injured. It was June and I thought it was March… of the last year. The doctors said that I had lost some memories and that I might not be able to get it back. Oh well, but I still think Robin is a good friend for calling. I could’ve done something worse.

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