Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

​He felt like screaming. How could Chester still be doing these? Didn't he ever learn? He slowly shut the drawer and stormed into Chester's room. His metal foot clicked on the floor but he didn't care.

​"YOU SAID YOU'D CHANGED!" he screamed as he grabbed the other man and shook him. Chester shot up in bed and stared at him. Mike couldn't help the tears that filled his eyes.

​"I thought you'd changed. I thought you'd actually cared about what you did to yourself!" he said angrily as he squeezed Chester's shoulder.

​"I do Mike," Chester replied quietly.

​"No you obviously don't or you would've stopped that shit a long time ago!"

​"You don't understand how hard it is Mike. You don't get it."

​Mike stared at Chester as the other man stood up, "You don't understand how hard it is to stop it. I would if I could Mike. Honestly. But I can't. I just can't take that pain."

​"And you think that I can take this? I've lost two of my limbs Chester! You've always been selfish and you'll never change."

​Mike glared at Chester as the other man lowered his head. He'd been so happy to see that his friend was doing ok. That he wasn't hooked on drugs again. He sighed and then climbed off of Chester.

​"I don't want your help. There's nothing you could offer me, no help you could give, to get me any better."

​Chester didn't respond. It was quiet and Mike finally shook his head. He walked slowly out of the other man's room. He went to his room, slammed the door and laid down on his bed. He cried. He thought that Chester was different. That he had tried to stop. There was a knock on the door.


​"Fuck off Chester."

​"Mike....please we need to talk."

​"No. I don't want to talk to you."


​"What don't you get about fuck off?"

​"Please Mike......Mike I need help."

​"You should've watched the game with me yesterday! It was amazing Chester!"

​"I'm not a real fan of it. I told you a thousand times."

​"But it was great. Ordonez hit this single to right field and...."


​" he threw the ball over to second but Ordonez slides in safely. So now...."


​".....and he runs from third towards home since the ball is still on its way to second...."

​"Mike I need to talk about something."

​"....and he slides into home so now its all tied up at three and there's two outs in the bottom of the ninth...."

​"Mike...please....I need help...."

​"And Martinez gets up to bat and he rips it dead center but get this..."


​"The guy completely misses the catch so Ordonez rounds two bases and scores and the Orioles win the game!" Mike finished cheerfully. He glanced down and saw Chester staring at him. The smaller boy sighed and shook his head. "You ok man?"

​"F-Fine. Just give me a call sometime ok?"

​"Yea ok."

​Mike slowly walked to the door and opened it. Chester stood there and he was a mess. Mike backed away from the door and let Chester come in.

​"Mike....I don't know why I didn't try and stop but please....I can't do it alone. I can't go through that pain. I just didn't want to hurt anymore. I've spent my entire life hurting, I didn't want to go through it again. I know I'm a coward. I'm the exact opposite of what you'd expect me to be."

​Mike looked at the broken man in front of him. Chester had always been so fragile. It had been something Mike had loved about him. He sighed and then looked away.

​"I'll help you Ches."

​Chester glanced up at him but Mike didn't care. He didn't want to help this man in any way but Chester was his friend. He always would be.


​"I said I'll help you," Mike replied shortly. Chester sniffled and wiped his eyes. He was just like a kid again. It was getting late. Mike yawned and slowly laid down in his bed.

​"I'm going to bed Chester."

​"Can I stay in your room tonight?" Chester asked softly. Mike stared at him as if he was crazy. But then agreed.

​"Ok fine," Mike said and Chester crawled into the bed next to him. Mike watched as the other man pulled the blanket up to his chin and then nuzzled his nose into it as well. A minute later, his back rose and fell slowly and evenly. Mike smiled slightly. No matter what, Chester would always be his sweet little friend that he'd known in kindergarten.


​"That's fine with me Mike. Honestly. I mean....just don't tell the baseball guys."

​"Yea. I wasn't going to. I just trust you Chester."

​Chester smiled slightly. They were sitting with their legs hung over the side of the playground. The wind was blowing gently and the evening sun cast long shadows around them.

​"It's ok with me."

​Mike smiled and put his arm around the smaller boy, "Thank you."

​He woke up the next morning and looked down at Chester who was still sleeping soundly against him. Mike sighed and then got up. He wandered to Chester's drawer and then pulled out the drugs. He knew that you were supposed to slowly dwindle down the amount of drug someone was having but Chester was an extreme case. The only way Chester would get better was if he didn't have any drugs. He took the bags and took them out in a garbage bag to put on the side of the street. The garbage truck was just down the street. When he went back inside, Chester was yawning and stretching on the bed.

​"Morning Chester."

​"Hey," Chester yawned as he got up. Chester glanced at him and then sighed, "So do you still want to work on your mobility?"

​"Yea. Ok how?"

​" can start trying to jog the yard if you want."

​Mike smiled slightly, "Ok. How about you come out too?"

​"Um...alright," Chester agreed. They got up and Mike led the way to the door. He had been getting a lot better at walking with his leg. Jogging was good too. He smiled slightly as he spent a half hour jogging the yard. He loved running almost as much as baseball. Chester sat at the table watching him.

​"How's it feel?" Chester asked as Mike walked up to him.

​"Great. I can jog fine. When can I sprint?"

​"Week and a half. I don't want you to strain yourself. Now do your arm."

​Mike frowned, "What do you want me to do with it?"

​"Like you were swinging a bat," Chester nodded at him. Mike did that for another fifteen minutes. That felt weird but eventually he was feeling ok with it. He had to feel very thankful that Chester still wanted to help him. Even after all he'd done to him, Chester still wanted him to live his dream.

​"The team's doing well by the way. If they make the championship, they'll be playing in a month and a half. If there's a full count game though."

​"Yea," Mike sighed.

​"You'll be ok you know? You might not be the best you were but you might be able to hit and run alright."

​Mike stared at Chester and smiled slightly. He couldn't help the feeling of hope that sparked in him. God, in a month and a half, he could be playing with his team again. Chester stood up and walked back towards the door. Mike grabbed him and gave him another hug.

​"You have no idea how much I love you," Mike said quietly. Chester stood stock still. He hugged him tightly.

​"Thank you so much," Mike whispered. Chester smiled slightly and nodded.

​"It's what I do," he said quietly. They walked inside together and Mike had to admit, it was nice to spend quality time with Chester again. They ate together and then headed into the living room. He decided it was time to break the news to Chester.

​"Ches...we need to talk."

​"Ok," Chester said quietly.

​"About your drugs."


​"I threw them out," Mike said. Chester looked at him for a long time and his fists clenched but he breathed out slowly and nodded.

​"That was probably the best thing to do. I'm sorry I'm not a good therapist Mike. I have more issues than you do."

​"No Ches, it doesn't matter. You're keeping me positive during a time when I would've been wasting away."

​" have you been doing? I've watched some of your games and stuff when I had time....when I wasn't hurting myself," Chester said.

​"It's been really fun. I met some great guys, you'd like them."

​"I'm not really a people person. Do they know?"

​"Nope....I've only ever told you," Mike said with a small smile. Chester nodded slightly.

​"Mike....I'm the same way."

​"I know you are."

​"Ok. Thank you Mike. For everything. For helping me through this."

​"You're my best friend Chester. Of course I'll help you."

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