Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

​It was really getting hard to control himself. It had been a week and he was getting a lot better with everything. Chester had told him that they could go out and he could actually swing with a bat now or they could play catch with a ball. Mike knew he'd be rusty. But that wasn't what the problem was. The more he thought about it, the more he knew he was actually falling for his best friend. Chester was just irresistible. He knew that Chester was gay as well but who knew if he even felt like this? Mike just knew that he had fallen hard for the sweet smile of his friend. The way that all his clothes hugged his thin body. The way that he'd ask to sleep in the same room as him to have some comfort. He heard moaning coming from the bathroom followed by the sounds of someone throwing up. Even though he was getting better, Chester was getting worse. The other man hadn't had his drug dosage in a week and he was getting hit hard with the withdrawal symptoms. He felt so bad for the other man.

​"Mike," Chester's moaning came from the bathroom again and Mike got off the bed and walked over to the bathroom. He sat down next to Chester's shaking body and rubbed his back.

​"It's going to feel better. I promise, it'll get better," Mike whispered as he pulled him in for a hug. Chester shivered and held a hand to his head.


​"We're going to get you into bed," Mike said softly as he slowly picked Chester up off the ground. Chester's body hung limply in his arms. Mike set him down on the bed and tucked him under the covers. He looked so sweet when he was asleep. Chester closed his eyes.

​"We should go out and work with your arm," Chester muttered.

​"We can do that later, just rest," Mike said softly, ruffling his hair. Chester nodded and then he was out a few minutes later. He didn't mind that he was taking care of Chester. He'd always enjoyed Chester's company and helping him kick this nasty habit would maybe make up for when he wasn't there for him before. He wondered when Chester's abuse had actually started. Had it been in high school? He sighed and smiled slightly at the sleeping man next to him. If his arm never got to baseball quality again, he wouldn't mind. He had his best friend back.
​It was about an hour later when he started to get bored. He'd worked with his arm by himself for a little bit and the rest of the time he'd watch Chester sleep. He yawned and sat down on the bed after working on getting more athletic again. He heard something strange and he frowned. Maybe he had imagined it. No, he heard it again. He looked over at Chester's sleeping form. He'd tugged the blanket up and his body was shaking.

​"Ches? You ok?" Mike asked as he reached over to him. Chester's shaking stopped as soon as Mike's hand rested on his arm. It was quiet again. Mike smiled again and then crawled up next to Chester. He hugged the other man and stroked his hair softly. "It'll be ok. You're going to be ok."

​Chester woke up an hour later and looked up at Mike with those big eyes that could make anyone's heart melt. Mike still had him in a hug and was holding him tightly.

​"I-I'm sorry," Chester said as he gently moved out of Mike's arms.

​"Don't be sorry," Mike replied. Chester gave him a look but then shrugged and nodded at him.

​"Do you want to go and play catch?"

​"Yea," Mike said with a smile. They walked to the yard and Chester grabbed the plastic ball he had with him. They stood about five feet apart.

​"Catch with your right arm only," Chester nodded at his robot arm. Mike nodded. Too bad he wasn't like Chester who was left handed because then his dominant hand would be ok. He sighed as they started to toss the ball slowly up and back. His fingers managed to grip quite well and soon Chester was throwing to him from the other side of the yard. Mike smiled as he threw the ball towards Chester and Chester caught it before throwing it back.

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