Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

He was back in New York and he and Rob were doing what they definitely did not do best. They were attempting to get access to Yankee Stadium for six hours. Surprisingly, when the coach heard about the whole issue at hand, he was pretty cool with it. Mike stepped out onto the field and sighed. He was about to open the doors to whoever was out there. The last two days had been full of Chester's pain and sadness about having to deal with this. He had talked with Isaiah a bit and the other man had taken to watching over Chester while he was away. He looked down at the turf and kicked his foot gently. He wanted to be able to help Chester and he didn't know if this would help at all. He didn't even know how many people would show up. He took a deep breath before taking the handle of the door and pulling it open. His eyes widened as he saw a huge crowd of people that was as far back as the parking lot and maybe even further. He stared in shock before he smiled and told them where to put their donation.
Their fundraiser was called 'Swing for Chester' and it had everything to do with baseball. Anyone who wanted, could donate ten dollars or more towards Chester's treatment and then spend the day in Yankee Stadium, meeting players, pitching, swinging, running the bases. There was food and refreshments and then at the end of the day, there would be fireworks. Mike and Rob had set up the whole thing and were hoping for a good turnout. They had gotten it. Mike smiled as the crowd filtered into the stadium and started about. Mike led the way to the field and then stepped up on his platform where he would give his little speech before they started.

"I want to thank you all for coming, it means so much to me to see so many people showed up. I just want to give a quick background story before we get ready to go. My best friend, Chester Bennington, was diagnosed with lung cancer almost a week ago and he's been getting treated for it in California. We didn't have a lot of money to pay for it and I can't thank you all enough for donating today. He means the world to me and I'm trying so hard to get him to fight. It's so hard, when you're diagnosed with something like that, to keep going, to keep fighting because you know that the chances aren't good. You know that there's a high death rate. Chester.....he's not fighting. He doesn't want to go through all of this and he doesn't want to hang onto life anymore. I don't know what else to say to him. I'm afraid for him because I realize that I could go back any day and he might be gone. So thank you so much for your donation for him. I hope this gives him a reason to fight this," Mike finished and the crowd gave him an applause before dispersing.

There wasn't much for him to do. He walked around the stadium and watched as little kids enjoyed themselves and as adults got to walk around on the field. It was a life time experience to walk down on a baseball diamond. He remembered back in California, Chester had taken him to Dodgers' Stadium and let him run there to try and get his hopes back up again. He owed Chester everything but now he was here in New York, raising money for Chester's treatment for cancer. He felt tears run down his face and he buried his head in his arms. He wanted Chester back. He wanted to hold him in his arms and love him.

"You ok?" Rob asked as he sat down next to him.

"No. No I'm not ok! My boyfriend is dying from cancer," Mike said angrily, "How could I ever be ok?"

"I'm sorry. That was a dumb question," Rob said, "We're going to help him get better."

Mike sighed, "I hope so. How much did we raise today?"

Rob smiled and gave him a sheet of paper. Mike stared at the paper, "Six thousand dollars?"

"Six thousand," Rob said with a small smile. Mike shook his head with a smile.

"Six thousand dollars."

"It's a lot. It won't cover everything but it definitely will give us a boost."

Mike smiled as tears continued to run down his face, "I can't believe that. Six thousand."

"You did well Mike."

Mike shook his head again and stared down at the paper. It was unbelievable. Six thousand dollars would help them so much. He wondered how Chester was doing. Maybe he'd call the hospital and ask him. Later. The fundraiser went on into the night for the fireworks later on and then it was over. Mike thanked them all for coming before getting into his car with Rob and heading home. They walked up the stairs and then parted ways. Mike dialed the hospital's number and got put through to Chester's room. Hopefully Chester was awake.


It broke his heart to hear Chester's voice so full of pain and so weak.

"Hey Ches. How are you baby?" Mike whispered.

"I d-don't l-like it," Chester whimpered, "I d-don't wake up and I g-get sick and I throw u-up."

"Your chemo?" Mike asked quietly.

"Y-Yea," Chester said softly.

"It's going to help you Chester. I promise it'll make you better ok?"

"O-Ok. How w-was your d-day?"

"It was alright. Baseball's doing well. I've played in the last two games. It's much harder than the college leagues though. I got a hit yesterday," Mike said. He kept his voice quiet so it didn't give Chester a headache.

"I always knew y-you were g-good. They would h-have to p-put y-you in."

Mike smiled, "You're such a suck up."

"I know."

"I really wish I could be there," Mike said quietly, "I want to be with you through this."

"It's what you want to do," Chester said, "You love b-baseball Mikey."

"I know but I wish you were here too. I would give up my career in baseball if you would get better. I'd give anything to make you ok again."

He heard Chester taking deep breaths on the other end of the phone and he started coughing. Mike gave Chester a minute to regain control of himself before continuing.

"You sure you don't want me to come back? I could get a day or two off again."

"No, stay there," Chester managed, his voice was hoarse, "You want to be there."

"Alright," Mike yawned. Chester sighed and Mike heard Chester shift around.

"Are you going to sleep?"

"Soon. God Ches, I wish I could hold you again. I want to be able to be with you again. I want you cuddled against my side like you did before."

"I w-wish I-I c-could too."

"Ok. Ches, I'll call you again in a day or two ok?" Mike said softly.

"O-Ok," Chester whispered. Mike hung up and then changed into his pajamas before laying down in his bed. He wished Chester was next to him. He wanted the warm body of the man he loved up against him, snuggling against his chest with a warm blanket around him. He missed when he hadn't been afraid for Chester. When everything had been fine. He wanted that again. He shut his eyes. It was summer time. Fall was coming fast and the Yankees had an unbelievable record. If they didn't go to the World Series, he didn't know what was wrong with the world. That would be exciting. His first year as a rookie on this team and he'd be going and maybe even playing in the World Series. He hoped he was able to play. He knew he wasn't a big part of the lineup but just one time in a lineup would be amazing. And he could tell Chester all about it. Because Chester would still be alive. He'd be better and getting healthier. He might not be out of the hospital, but he'd be happy. It was early July. The World Series was in September. He sighed softly. It'd be a long ride.

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