3) EvEN mORe EMaILs!1!!!!1!1

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Frank found himself feverishly scrolling through his emails, to find the original email from Pete because he didn't get Gerard's phone number, so his email would have to do.

Frank was a little embarrassed that he would send a email to Gerard, but Frank was the height if a 12 year old so he could act like one sometimes.

He found the email, and saw that most people had reasonable email addresses and that frankieromustdie@gmail sounded like the contact for a Frank Iero Hate Page rather then Frank's personal email. Gerard's email was a lot more sophisticated; gerardarthurway@gmail.com

Gerard's middle name must be Arthur, and that struck a heart string with Frank. He felt like he already knew Gerard better because he knew something like his middle name, a piece of personal information that is often overlooked and disregarded. But he knew Gerard's. Granted it was from his email, so anyone he emailed would know but Frank's fluttering heart overlooked that as he typed up an email:

To: gerardarthurway@gmail.com

From: frankieromustdie@gmail.com

Hi Gerard,
It's Frank. I feel really awkward emailing you because despite my love for Sum 41 it's not 2001 anymore.
It'd be great to talk to you because emails really aren't cutting it for me.
Thanks Gerard.

Frank sighed as he pressed send and sent the email, along with the majority of his emotions because Frank had not approached someone in a decent amount of time.

He was sure Gerard wasn't going to respond, what person with Gerard's artist personality and peculiar drifty-ness would be scrolling through their emails.

However across town it was just a Frank's luck that Gerard was checking his emails, with Mikey hovering over his shoulder because Mikey had a great outfit on and wanted Gerard to take a photo of his and could have done so easily if he didn't hoard emails that took up so much storage.

Mikey could have taken it on his phone but it was bad for him to inflate his ego even more, because then, at least in Mikey's mind he would become Gerard.

Mikey's comments on Gerard's ego made him considerably more egotistical.

Nonetheless he instructed Gerard around his inbox

"You don't need that one, or that one-" Mikey said as Gerard tapped and trashed the unnecessary spam.

"Okay. That's it, refresh it and everything should be good."

When Gerard refreshed his emails, an email from a certain frankieromustdie@gmail.com appeared.

Gerard's face lit up, and he turned his background to Mikey because Gerard was almost ashamed of how drastically his mood had changed because Frank sent him an email.

"What's up Gerard?" Mikey asked, trying to peer over Gerard's shoulder but Gerard refused to let him pry and gave him a simple shrug and answered,

"Frankie sent me an email."

"His name is Frank."

"I like calling him Frankie."

Gerard did like calling him Frank and knew Frank didn't mind.
What he didn't know was how being called 'Frankie' made Frank feel like a teenager swooning over their favourite celebrity.

Gerard responded to Frank:

To: frankieromustdie@gmail.com

From: gerardarthurway@gmail.com

Hey Frankie,
I'd love to see you again!
Call me? ;)
04 567 890 012

Love Gee.


Frank checked his emails, and was immediately excited at seeing Gerard's email, he thought he should probably give Gerard a contact but Frank thought that doing so would hurt his aesthetic even more.

Frank hated emojis, but Gerard was the kind of person that deserved an emoji next to their name, so Frank had a dilemma he shouldn't have to face and left Gerard as is.

When he read the email his heart was slightly frenzied, like he was an adolescent planning to kiss his first girlfriend.

Frank didn't have time for girls, not as a teenager and not now. Although he wasn't 100% certain about his sexuality he had decided his interests in Gerard were not platonic and what ever mild friendship he had with his female neighbour wasn't going any further than a cup of sugar or a shot of vodka.

So he decided the initiate a date, of the email Gerard said wasn't one with a restraint order attached,

And must to Frank's joy it wasn't a email telling him to fu.ck off but one saying exactly what Frank was saying- that he'd love to catch up.

He also referred to himself as 'Gee' and that made Frank want to be swallowed hole, hopefully by the Demon of Nicknames himself. It suited Gerard so much to be called 'Gee' and Frank couldn't quite put his finger on why.

There was a lot about Gerard he couldn't quite put his finger on.

But he called the number because Frank was careless, and certainly wasn't cautious about his actions towards Gerard.

"Hey Gee!" He said once Gerard picked up.

"Hiya Frankie!"

"So Gee-" Frank pondered, wishing he had more of a game-plan for this conversation. Thankfully Gerard interrupted him before the conversation went dry.

"Hey Frankie, just want to say I think you might have great music taste- Sum 41?"

"Mostly the Smashing Pumkins and Misfits but I can definitely stomach some pop-punk over some techno people tend to play these days."

"I couldn't agree more. I love those bands, and I adore David Bowie. Wow Frankie, you just got so much better; a handsome face and great music taste."

Frank blushed when Gerard complemented him, tucking his head into his chest, even though he was alone and no one could see his crimson cheeks.

"Same to you Gee, about the music taste and the fact that you're stunning."

Frank could only hope that Gerard was blushing, that was one of those goals.

Frank's other goal was to get a date with Gerard. He supposed his complements were working because when Frank offered the prospect of a coffee-shop date Gerard didn't hesitate to accept.

Hanging up the phone Frank felt blissfully happy, because he had a date with the prettiest boy.

He just didn't have any logic.

Gotta write fast, gotta write fast, gotta write, gotta write, gotta write fast.
-M x

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