Chapter Two

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Prussia POV:

The others didn't see him with his shirt buttons in the wrong holes and his hair more tangled than usual. But I did.
I first noticed it happening a few years back. Spain had been majorly rejected by Romano and was heartbroken...but after "crying in the bathroom" for half an hour he seemed absolutely over it. Spain was normally a happy person, but thirty minutes to get over that blow? No way.
That wasn't the only thing that made me suspicious about the situation. I remembered somebody offering to run after him, but I couldn't figure out who...
And then he walked into the room.
Blonde hair.
Violet eyes.
He didn't seem like the kind of guy who would be interested in somebody like Spain...however...his dishevelled clothing and flushed face told me otherwise.
Ever since that day I'd been silently  watching him sleep with every country from England to Greece to Poland and even Turkey.
He had his favourites, I noticed, the ones he went back to on occasion. Russia, Romano, Ukraine.
Strangely enough, I hadn't seen him with France, and only with America once or twice. Maybe he just wasn't into incest...
The other countries never seemed to notice him. Sealand did sometimes, as well as France and America. But the rest barely knew he existed. I only recently figured out that he used his lack of presence along with charm adopted from his father to fuck all the others without them remembering a thing.
I knew a lot about his plan and a lot about his life. But I still had questions. Lots of questions. Like, doesn't he feel lonely having everybody forget about him? What was with that bear he always carried around (except during sex obviously)? And most importantly:
Why hasn't he slept with me?

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