Chapter Thirty Eight

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Art by kittykatz67
Preußen POV:

"What did you call us here for, Bro?" Birdie had all of the major countries crowded around the living room, plates filled with his homemade pancakes and eyes pointed toward him.
"Um..." He held his hand out to me and I took it, standing and wrapping my arm around his waist. "Gil and I are engaged now."
"WHAT?!" America set down his plate and stood. "You guys only just started dating!"
"Yeah...but..." Canada seemed to shrink. I felt my heart trying to pound it's way out of my chest. Was thug really a good idea?
"Mattie, it's not good to jump into these things." He continued.
"Alfred, enough." Francis spoke up. "Love isn't somezhing to put a timeline on. If zhey want to get married, they will."
The Canadian perked up at this.
"Can I walk you down the aisle?" Britain asked him.
"Um...well...Prussia's actually doing the aisle walking..."
"Can I do it, zhen?" My brother asked.
"Of course, bruder!" I smiled at him and he actually smiled back.
I felt arms wrap around me, tugging me away from my fiancé."
"I'm so happy for you, amigo!" Spain cried happy tears into my shoulder.
Omg. Stawp.
"Mon ami, chill zhe fuck out." France pulled Spain away from me.
"Language!" Finland covered Sealand's ears.
"Désolé..." France apologized.
"So anyway...that's all I had to say...enjoy your meal." Canada sat down quickly, but the others had gotten so rowdy already that nobody noticed. France was already in a frenzy of wedding planning, America was sulking silently in the corner, my brother was watching Italy fondly, the Nordics were doing...whatever Nordics do...
I took the commotion as my cue to sit down next to Mattie and pull him against me.
He closed his eyes slowly. Poor babu! He was all tuckered out.
"Vatti?" Nova poked his head up from the floor. "Can I have more pancakes?"
"Ja. Just let me..." I tried to move but Mattie was lying on my shoulder. I didn't want to move him. "Go ask Grandpapa France."
"A'ight." The kid toddled off to the Frenchman, interrupting his argument with Britain and allowing me some more alone time with my Birdie.
Even though he was now asleep.
"Maybe chu should get him to bed." Spain suggested softly. "Wouldn't want him to get a sore neck."
"Ja. I vill." I lifted Birdie up and took him to our room, tucking him into his side and kissing his head softly.
On my way out I ran into America.
"Hey, listen." He started. "I know I told you not to touch my little bro...but I could see the way he smiles when he looks at you..."
I nodded.
"And...don't let that smile go away, alright?"
"I won't." I promised.

It looks like I'm gonna be wrapping this up soon. Aw! :,(
But worry not!
My next endeavour will be a human AU High School Fic involving a shit load of pairings and fluff and all sorts of stuff. Woo! I don't have a title but I have scenes planned and stuff. I may end up going for a last minute shit title like I did for this fic. Did you know this Fic name was just the first thing off my head? Cuz it was. Bet that bombshell changed your life.
Anyway, expect an ending sometime before Remembrance Day.

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