Chapter Eighteen

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Did you perves plan this???
Canada's POV:

"Oh hell no! I said you could invite Papa and Spain. Not every person you know!" I hissed at Prussia as I saw not only the other two thirds of the Bad Touch Trio walking up the driveway but also Britain, and Romano.
"Chill, Birdie. It's just your dad and Romano." Prussia put his hand on my shoulder and waved to the visitors with his other one.
I huffed and pursed my lips.
France was the first one to reach the house. He absorbed me in a warm hug immediately. "Merci pour letting us stay, mon fils!" He said into his hair.
Spain reached the house next. He was dragging Romano along with him. The Italian really didn't look like he wanted to be there.
I let the six of them settle in the living room with some alcohol and a pack of cards while I went into the kitchen to work on dinner.
"Matthieu! Come play truzh or dare with ussssss!" I heard France purr from the other room.
"I'm cooking papa." I shouted back, trying to play up the cute little kid act I always used on him.
"Do you need help?" I turned around to see Romano leaning against the doorframe, his face holding a serious expression.
"Sure." I smiled sweetly.
Romano took his hands out of his pockets and headed toward me. "What are you making?"
"" I answered.
"Pizza." The Italian repeated.
"I mean...I have to cook for a lot of people and..."
"Pizza sounds great." He came up to the stove and looked over my shoulder.
The two of us cooked in silence until the pizza was in the oven, at which point we sat at the table to wait.
"Soooo...why aren't you with the others?" I asked even though I knew the answer.
"I didn't even want to come over here!" Romano growled. "No offence." He added.
"None taken." I shrugged. "And hey, if you need to get away from the commotion, you're free to use my basement."
"Really? Thank you." He said, his face expressionless.
"No problem." I nodded as France, Prussia, and Spain wandered into the kitchen, dragging England and the unopened booze along with them.
"We're huuuuungry!" Spain groaned.
"We're almost done." I responded.
"Oi. Hand me one of those beers." Britain grabbed at the case of beer Prussia sat on the table.
"Non, non, non Angleterre. Pas de drinkey drinkey!" Francis slurred. Prussia didn't seem like he'd had anything to drink yet but Spain and Papa definitely had. Wine probably.
"I'll get the pizza." Romano decided, heading back to the stove as the other countries gathered at the table.
Prussia whipped out a bottle of beer and popped the cap off on the edge of the table. He held it out to me with an innocent look on his face.
"Um..." I took it hesitantly. I didn't feel like getting drunk but whatever.
"Non. You neizher Matthieu! You're too young." Francis scolded. I sighed. "I'm a hundred and forty." I took a long drink of the beer, which was ordered in from Germany for this exact purpose. Prussia chuckled and started on his own beer.
Our little group ate and drank with the exception of Britain whom France kept away from the beer and wine.
We then retreated to the living room where Spain, France and Prussia got into a heated game of truth or dare.
England, Romano and I watched for a little while before the older Italian brother retreated to the basement. Britain turned to me, a smirk on his lips. "Hey, Canada," he whispered, reaching into the bag he brought with him. He remembered me. That could only mean one thing...
Hell yeah!
"Do you wanna watch Coronation Street???" He pulled out a dvd copy of the soap opera.
"Yuuuusssss!" I grinned.
We made our way to where Romano was and made ourselves comfortable on the two chairs since the brunette was sleeping on the couch.
After a few hours of the marathon Romano woke up and watched with us. He pretended he didn't like it but I knew otherwise.
We fell asleep around two in the morning. I heard the TV shut off in the dizziness of my dreams, making the room completely dark. I may have been sprawled out on an armchair, but I felt at home.
Slowly, I was sucked into a dream, one of a different time from now.

I'll see if I can get internet this weekend but if not see you Monday.
Coronation Street, as mentioned above, is a British soap opera. It's big in Canada for some reason, always playing on the CBC. I haven't actually watched it. I mean, I've seen snippets of the ends of episodes when I tune into This Hour Has 22 Minutes a little bit early, but that's basically all I know about the show. Also, pizza is big here too. I think. I just know that there's pizza everywhere. Is it like that in other countries or just here? There's a really nice place I like to go in North River. The guy's Indian I think (India Indian btw. We don't use that term for our natives up here) he trained in Toronto and I'm pretty sure I lived on his pizza all summer. Then there's those ones from foodland and their pizza bagels. And another thing, while Americans get breadsticks with their pizza, canadians get Garlic Fingers and we dip it in this stuff called donair sauce used on donairs (but for some reason half of our country and 0% of other countries don't know what donairs are. It's like kinda sour kinda sweet and-
I'm rambling again.
See you all soon, but not as soon as usual

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