Chapter Fourteen

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Canada's POV:

The rest of the week went by without much of a problem. Prussia and America stopped fighting and calmed down. When my brother wasn't doing paperwork with me he was playing video games in the basement with Prussia.
We were supposed to go to the meeting tomorrow but until then we were settled in the rec room. I was reading while the other two idiots were taking turns playing this game Alfred had brought over.
During the blonde's turn, Prussia came over and plopped down at my side.
"What do you want?" I asked grouchily.
"Mattie. Don't be like that!" He whined.
I sighed and set my book down. "Can I ask you something, Gil?"
"Why did you want to live at my place? I mean, there're so many other people who would have taken you in..."
Prussia thought for a moment before dropping his head onto my lap. My eyes widened in surprise.
"Because I like jou birdie!" He admitted, smirking innocently.
"But why?" I really didn't understand what was so interesting about somebody like me. I was just...Canada. That was all.
"Because jou're amazing und cute und-"
"I'm really not, Prussia. I'm ordinary." I nudged him off my lap subtly.
The albino sat up and studied me closely. It felt weird to me. People didn't normally look this closely at me.
"Nein. Don't say zhat. Jou're anyzhing but ordinary." He declared, standing up and poking America on the head. "Hey, isht mein turn."
I watched my brother hand the controller over and watch the game, the entire time wondering what Prussia meant by his words.

Hey it's me again.
"Damn it Shick, do you ever stop updating."
Tehe. Nope.
I happen to have a very boring and unproductive life so this is really all I have to fill it. Yay! I realized that I haven't updated WHHT in a while but pfft. It's crap. I might ditch it for a while.
That is all. Next chapter is going to be a meeting. Finally.

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