Chapter 7

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"My name is Sabrina." She tells me as I sit down. She gives me a half smile and nods.

I raise my eyebrows and then relax into my chair. There's no way I'm going to just pour out my feelings to some random stranger. Why? Just because she has some type of degree? That doesn't give her the right to pry into my business and try to fix my problems like she understands what I'm going through.

"Hello," I say halfheartedly. I decide right then and there that I'm going to be polite to this lady. I mean she's only trying to do her job; there's no reason for me to make it rough for her with my attitude. But what I absolutely refuse to do, is to make myself vulnerable. What is happening to me is my business and there isn't anything she can say or do to me that's going to make my parents get back together.


"I don't expect you to like me." She says. "The only thing I ask from you is your cooperation."

I tilt my head. "Cooperation?"

Sabrina nods. "I absolutely need you to understand that everything that I will do or say during our sessions is for your own well-being. When you enter this room it is all about you. What you want goes."

"Is that so?" I ask. She nods. "What if I don't want t to be here at all? Can I leave? Since apparently, what I say goes."

To my surprise, she laughs. "Listen, Emily," She starts. "I will not force you to be here. Feel free to leave. But just know, I will always be here for you during our appointment times, whether you show up or not. This time is for you."

I sit there completely shell shocked. Is this lady really trying to tell me that I can leave whenever I want? There has to be a catch.

I shake my head. "You'll just tell my mom if I leave anyway."

Sabrina smirks. "That's the perk of having a therapist. Everything that goes on in here is confidential. And that confidentiality includes your mom. But before you decide to leave," She pauses and crinkles her brow. "I know about your situation and I guarantee that I can help you. If you leave, you'll always feel as bad as you feel."

I'm willing to take that chance.

I get up and give her a salute as I walk out of her office.

I sure hope I never see that lady again.


The school is that place where I can escape from my family. If I didn't have my best friend Jackson I think I would actually run away. Maybe grab some bus money and keep going south until I'm broke. I've brought this up to Jackson before, he shut me down, laughing it off expressing how ridiculous my mind is. If only he could accept how serious I am because I wanted him to come along with me.

"Hey, best friend," He says. Jackson is someone I don't think I would have ever thought to be closest friends with. I'm not into talking to people like him. Captain of the football team? Student body president?

But if it wasn't for the one thing we had in common I would have never given him a second glance. His parents fight too, we both come home only to the loud sounds of hurtful words being produced by the people we love the most. It was when we were about 12 years old, 6th grade. He had just left some after school activity and I was sitting on the curb by the school crying. A couple yards down the road my parents were screaming at each other about something trivial that I can't even remember. They didn't even notice that I walked away from them in order to cry. Jackson saw me crying and he could've walked away but the next thing you know he sat down next to me on the curb and took out a chocolate chip cookie.

"Usually, mine argue about bills," He says nonchalantly. "Want some?" He hands me the chocolate chip cookie and we were best friends ever since.

Now, Jackson takes out another chocolate chip cookie. "Want some?" He asks. I almost burst out laughing at the coincidence.

I bite off a piece. "Thanks," Jackson takes a seat next to me in the school cafeteria. "Aren't you going to sit next to your jock friends or your student government team?"

Usually, I don't get to see Jackson that much, considering he's so busy will all his extracurricular activities. At lunchtime, I usually sit by myself with a good book and he's out with the rest of the school saving the world.

"Why wouldn't I want to sit with my favorite girl in the world," He says with his mouth full of cookie.

I have to turn my head so he doesn't see me blush. I wouldn't want him to think that I like him even though I honestly do. Jackson as had so many girlfriends and they all have exceeded me in such amazing ways. There have been cheerleaders, future valedictorians, even this exchange student from France: She was absolutely fabulous! I had to bear listening to Jackson trying to speak French from when she showed up all the way till she had to go back. Thank God.

Hearing him call me his favorite girl has made me feel better than I have in days.

"You busy after school?" I ask him, even though I already know his schedule is full.

"Ya I have practice and then tonight I have a date." He takes out his phone and smiles at his texts.

My heart drops at the sound of the word date. "Okay cool."

His face brightens. "There's a party tomorrow night, you should come," He says enthusiastically. I cringe.

"When have you ever seen me at a party?" I shake my head. "I don't even talk to most of these people." I gesture my hand around the cafeteria.

"Come on Em," He gives me smirk. "I'll pick you up at 7." He punches me in the shoulder and then he leaves.

I have to withhold every bone in my body to keep from following him. 


I'm back ;)

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