Chapter 4

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I hate the word with a passion. What do you think of when you hear the word emo? A guy or girl, wearing dark colors, completely silent, sitting a corner not wanting to talk to anyone? Or maybe just an annoying person who likes to complain about everything and blames things on everyone else and their ignorance? Or simply someone who listens to metal? 

Maybe that's what you see when you hear that word, but that's not what I see. 

When I hear emo, I think of a label that people use to call people who are misunderstood and emotionally scarred. I see a boy with bruises on his back who cannot let himself get close to anyone because he doesn't want to get hurt. I see a girl with afraid to be touched because she was scarred in the most precious, terrifying, and personal ways anyone could think of. 

When I hear the word emo, I think of myself. Not only am I misunderstood, and alone, but i've had my heart broken and i've been screwed over too many times for me to feel anything towards people but hate. 


This is my label. Everyone in my school calls me that, even my so-called friends. My dad thinks i'm depressed. I'm not depressed, i'm not stuck-up, I do not think that i'm better than anyone else. 

I'm just...





"Christian?" She says. 

I hear her voice but I don't listen. She acts like she cares but she really doesn't. What's the point of listening to someone say they want to help you if they really don't want to help you. 

She sighs. "Christian, I really need to you to cooperate here." She crosses her arms. "I can't help you if you won't let me." 

I stare at her intently, a blank look on my face. She wants me to break. She knows if I don't break then she won't get paid. That's what this is all about; money. 

"Christian, why won't you speak to me?" She asks. "Why do you shut everyone out?" 

I don't answer. I look up at the clock; 5:30. She sees me looking at the time and looks at it herself. 

"Well," She takes a breath. "That's all the time we have today." She has a disappointed look on her face. 

I stand up and make my way to the door out of her office. 

"Wait, Christian?" She calls out. 

I turn around and look at her. 

"Next time, please try and open up." She pleads. "You won't regret it I promise." 

I turn back around and open the door. Right after I take my first step out I hear her last words. 

"We can fix you." 

There it is, everyone thinks i'm a broken toy that needs to be fixed. Just so I can be like them. 


I know its been like six months, but I just bought myself a laptop, so expect more freqent updates! 



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