Chapter 5

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As I step into my office on my sixth day of work I think about how this week has gone so far. So far I haven't seen any patients, i've just been observing and training. My boss, Andrea, thinks that I should use my first  week to get accustomed to my surroundings. 

"Sabrina, I think you've been doing great this week." Andrea tells me as I sit in her office. "I believe that you're really going to fit in with us." 

I smile at her grateful for the compliment. My nerves have significantly calmed in the past couple of days. I've watched as troubled kids have walked through the psychological section of the clinic. I've seen them being taken care of by professionals. I've even had the honor of seeing a girl whose been changed for the better by her therapy sessions. 

"Thank you," I tell her. "You have no idea how happy I am to be here." 

Andrea leans back on her chair and looks at me deeply. "Sabrina, I know we don't pay that much," She says in a solemn tone. "and I know were not like those big time psychological offices..." 

I shake my head. "I'm not here for the money." 

"I know," Andrea nods her head. "that's why I like you so much. I can relate to why you're here. You want to help underprivileged troubled kids. I can see the eagerness in your eyes." Andrea stands up and walks across the room. She goes into her filing cabinet and takes out a manila folder. She then sits back down. 

"This is why," She continues. "I want you to take over one of our clients." She motions for me to take the folder. 

I take the manila folder and look through the documents inside. "Christian Smith. 17 years old, suicidal case." I read out loud. 

"He's been coming here for 2 years ever since he tried to commit suicide at 15 years old." She explains. "Since then he's had 3 suicide attempts."

"How are his parents taking this?" I ask. 

"He doesn't have any parents. He was abandoned as a child, no one knows where he came from." Andrea takes the manila folder from me and takes out multiple pictures. She hands me the pictures. 

As I flip through the pictures I gasp in shock. "Oh my God." 

Displayed in the photos were the multiple scars on Christian's body. 

I nod. "I'll help him." 

Andrea smiles and nods back. "There's one thing that you need to know." 


"He doesn't talk." Andrea states. "To anyone." 



"Emily, please." My mother pleads. "This will be good for you." 

I shake my head. "Mom, I can't believe your doing this to us." 

"It's for your own good." 

"I don't need therapy!" I exclaim. 

I can't believe my mom, first she leaves my father without even thinking about her own children's feelings and now she blames us for it. Like were the ones with a mental problem and we need special therapy.

"Just please," She pleads in an exhausted tone. "Just do this for a month. That's all i'm asking."

I shake my head as tears threaten to escape my eyes. "Fine."

I step out of the car and walk into the clinic with my mother. "Why didn't you bring Elliot with you?" I ask.

My mother grimaces. "You're father is out looking at real estate and took your brother with him." She explains. "We decided that he would take Elliot after the divorce and Elliot went with them so they could choose a home."

I stop in my tracks. "Wait, so I won't be with my brother anymore?!" I exclaim. "When were you going to tell me?"

With exasperation on her face my mother puts her hands on my shoulders. "Listen, Emily, you know I love you and I love Elliot; I really do. I just... I can't take care of both of you by myself. I have to get a job and I think were going to end up losing our house and Elliot is better off with his father."

Tears stream down my face. "And what about me, huh?" I hiss. "Am I just supposed to not see my father and my brother ever again."

"Of course you will!" My mom tries to take my hands but I pull away. "You're father doesn't have the will to take care of a teenage girl. But you'll still see him and your brother any time you want. I'll drive you over to their house, you can sleep over. Emily, its going to be okay."

I wipe my eyes and nod my head but I don't look at her. 

When we get into psychiatric building of the clinic, my mom talks to the lady at the front desk about my appointment. 

"She can go right in, room 212." The lady says. 

My mom kisses me on the cheek, to my disdain. "I'll be back for you in an hour." She says, and then she's gone. 

When I get into room 212, I knock and open the door. I didn't know what to expect when my mom told me that I had to go see a therapist. I expected some old lady with a fake smile plastered on her face. However, I opened the door and what I saw was a young woman with a concentrated, determined, and experienced look in her eyes. 

She looked up at me from her desk and gave me a small smile. "Hey, you must be Emily." She motions to the door. "You can close the door and have a seat." 

I take a deep breath, walk in, and close the door behind me. 

Here we go. 


It's been literally a year before i've published anything. I know its kind of a jerk move. I've been getting much appreciated private messages from fans of CUT. Thanks for those I promise i'll try to do better! :) 


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