Chapter 1

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I close my eyes and I plunge under the water. 

There are some things you can't escape, and there are some things that keep trying to get away from you. 

The water is cold, it could be warm if I wanted it to. But apparently I don't, and this morning I knew my bath would be different as soon as I found myself turning the knob for cold instead of warm. 

This is how I deal with things that I can't escape, I let the sharpness of the cold water numb me and then I ascend to the surface and open my eyes. 

I am awake. 


 I stare at Cole with his laugh lines and his kind face, but as always, his sad eyes. 

You can only make his eyes happy in special occassions. Ten years ago when came back to me there wasn't a hint of sadness in his eyes, and I thought that it was gone forever. But then after a while I saw it again, as if its a curse he has to live with. 

I know that Cole's eyes are no longer sad with the haunting from witnessing the death of his father and his sister. I know now that he bears the pain from the procedures and surgeries he went through all though years ago when he left me. 

He could never describe the details to me without tears falling out of his eyes. He has scars in so many different areas of his body and it seems as if i'm always discovering new ones. 

I twenty-one when he proposed and it didn't long at all for me to say yes. His love was something I lived on, and I was determined not lose him again. Marriage was the perfect way to keep him with me and let me able to love him and share my life with him. An amazing bond. 

Long ago, Cole saved my life and made me able to live again. 

When I was twenty-five, I had my first child. He was absolutely beautiful, he had my physical characteristics but he had Cole's smile and his personality. I fell in love with my beautiful baby and we ended naming him Kelvin but everyone seems to call him Kel. 

Now, at only five years old, he seems to be the sweetest little boy with the most amazing personality; and I can't help saying that it all came from Cole, because none of it could've come from me. 

"Hey," Cole calls my name and I snap out of my daze. "When were planning on drinking that?" He jokes. 

I look down at the mug in my hand that i've been holding tightly. Inside was black coffee which I could tell was no longer hot, but room temperture. 

I sigh and push it away. "I'm not in the mood for coffee I guess." I mumble, shaking my head. 

Cole pulls a stool next to me on the island countertop that's located in the middle of our kitchen. He looks me in my eyes with persistance, and I think of how Cole seems to never age. Sure, over the years he grown up and has become 'manlier', but he shows no signs of wrinkles, gray hairs, or gaining any type of weight. 

I can't say i've aged very significantly either considering i'm only in my late twenties, but I have seen signs of weight gain on my body and I don't have the energy I used to. 

"Are you worried about today?" Cole asks me, searching my eyes. 

I shy away from his gaze, not willing myself to break down in front of him. Today I start my job after 8 years of college working on my masters degree. I wanted to go on to get my Doctorates but I just didn't have the need nor the strength to continue. I was eager to start working. 

During my time in college, Cole took classes at Harvard while doubling at a paid internship. It was a great honour, I found out that Cole got close to perfect scores on his SAT and was taking mostly online classes during high school because of his sickness at the time. All the time he spent in hospitals being operated on, he spent every second of free time working on his school work. He got many extra classes done, including AP, and he practically had the Universities begging to take him. 

The stress of taking classes at Harvard and doing his internship forced us to move to Boston after we got married so he could be closer to his school. We lived in a small apartment and I had to take an hour long drive to New York five times a week in order to continue my courses. 

However, after we had Kel I had to do half my classes online in order to take care of him, and Cole and I had to invest in a daycare center. But all the trouble was worth it because Cole is now only four years away from his Doctorates in Oncology. 

"Of course i'm worried." I tell him. "I'm finally going to start being able to actually help people instead of just studing on how to help them. But I don't know if i'll do well enough..." 

Cole smiles and shakes his head. "You're amazing Sabrina, and your going to be the best adolescent psycologists that clinic has ever had." 

I smile. "How can you be sure of that?" 

"Because I know you," He says. "And I know that when you do something, you do your best. And in this case, you have eight years of training on your back, so you couldn't possibly fail." 

I laugh. "Thank you." I say sincerely. "I love you." 

He kisses me on my cheek. "I love you more." 

"I love you forever." 

"I love you longer than eternity." 

It feels good to be loved. 



I can't escape the yelling. 

I hear it all the time and everywhere, silence seems to be a gift from God when its there. 

I try to block them out with my mind but its hard, its way too hard. 

My parents keep screaming at each other downstairs. Then I hear the front door slam close and seconds later I hear are car backing out of our driveway, and then its gone. 

Then I hear crying downstairs. More like whimpering. 

Then I feel it, an ache in my chest. And I know something is coming. 

Something bad. 

Something unbearable. 

Something that will break me. 



I need to make something clear, I don't need help. I really don't, but I don't understand why everyone claims that I do. It just doesn't make sense. 

Lots of girls cut themselves, I am close friends with three of them. 

Its practically a trend to our generation, the scars are a fashion statement. 

Its a sick thing, you know. 

But I do it, I do it cause I like the feeling. It replaces the emptiness inside of me. 

Everyone around me want something from me, and the others don't want anything to do with me. Its crazy really. 

With all this attention you'd think I would be full of pride, and maybe even egotastic. 

But if you were to look inside of me, you would see nothing. 

Cutting gives me something to fill me up, even if it only lasts for a little while at a time. 

But according to society, because I cut, I need psychological help. 

How barbaric, no one seems open-minded to my feelings. No one. 



I am nothing. 

Just another extra in this movie of life. I have no meaning, I have no purpose. 

Yes, I do believe that. 

I blend in, all the time. You won't notice me, you may see me but you won't see me. 

I have nothing. Well, nothing to care about. 

So what's the point of living, if you have nothing to live for?

Exactly, there is no point. 

So might as well end it, right?


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