Chapter 2

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I sit in the church, feeling like I should cry. 

I try ignore the ache in my heart and my family sitting next to me as broken as ever. 

My dad had bruises on his wrist from punching the wall and my mom has blotchy cheeks from crying. However, they both put a smile on their faces and they come to church and they blend in. My little brother is sitting there as well and with a frown on his face, I feel sorry for him. He has to experience such things at only 5 years old. 

No one questions the seemingly obvious scars that are cursed upon my family. 

Me, I don't know what I look like, I may look like my brother, or maybe I'm just look like nothing. I try to keep myself indifferent, even though there is a pain inside of me that's clawing at my heart. 

I look up at the Pasteur, preaching about God. 

I wish I had God, everyone other family in the church seems to have God. My mother once seemed as if she had God. But when everything started to fall apart, I knew whatever type of God she had was gone from her. Gone from this whole family. 

I look down at fingers, red with cold. Its currently winter and very windy already. 

I wish I could wrap my hand around my mother's hand to warm them, but I can't bring myself to. Even though she sits right next to me she seems so far away. She stared forward her eyes glazed and she doesn't look like she's paying attention to anything going on around her. 

She probably wouldn't notice if I held her hand. 



Just like the world doesn't acknowledge me, I try not to acknowledge the world. 

Instead I stare and I observe. Its something i'm good at.

The thing is I don't just look, I see. I've realized a lot of people in this world don't see anything, they just look at them. They watch the exterior and don't go any deeper. 

Maybe that's why I am the way the I am, I look too deep. And eventually I realize how much there is in everything, and I don't have anything. 

Then it happens, and I feel the empty feeling. Its barren inside of me, nothing is there. The numbness is painful, and eventually I ask the question. 

What's the point? 

Everything is monotonous, so you might as well leave. 

There's no point in staying. 



This is how you do it. 

You find a blade (preferably a razor blade or a sharp knife), make sure it's extra sharp or it won't work right. 

Trust me, if it's not sharp enough you won't get the full effect. 

Now, you find an area of your body. If you want the scars to be unnoticeable I suggest someplace that can be covered easily like your upper arm or upper leg, maybe even your stomach. 

However, if you're like me and you want them to be seen then I suggest your lower arm or the areas around your neck. 

Never do your face, unless your extremely depressed, cause you're probably going to end up killing yourself anyway. 

I don't think my situation should qualify as 'depressed'. I choose to cut, because I gain a purpose. I enjoy it; not in a happy way though. I enjoy it because it soothes me and keeps me going.

I just don't know how long its going to last. 



I stare straight ahead listening to the sound of Kel singing his ABC's and laughing. 

This is the best kind of music. 

"Mommy?" Kel says. 

"Yes, sweetheart?" 

"Why are you taking me to school today?" He asks. 

I smile at my son's intelligence. There are a lot of children out there who wouldn't care to notice such a thing. Usually Cole is the one who takes Kel to school everyday on his way to his university. 

"Well, sweetheart, today I start a new job and since my job is closer to your school i'll be taking you to school everyday now." I explain. 

"Really?" Kel excitingly jumps in his car seat. "Yay!" 

I couldn't help but laugh at that. He's just so adorable.

Once we arrive at the school, I get out of the car and open the door for Kel. He proceeds to jump out with a big smile on his face. 

"I'll pick you up after school, okay?" I say. 

Kel nods. He takes his backpack from the car and I bend down so he can give me a kiss on the cheek. 

"I love you, mommy." 

Those words just made my day. 

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