Chapter Seven

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Drake sat in the studio thinking about him and Nicki getting married. He smiled at the thought.

He got the best wedding planner in the world on the line. He thought he'd plan his and Nicki's wedding by himself. If Nicki was able to deal with Aubbie for two years by herself, then he figured that he could plan a wedding on his own. That'd take a lot of work off of her shoulders.

"When would you like to meet Mr. Graham? I just relocated to L.A from Atlanta." the woman informed him.

"We can meet sometime tomorrow so we can get the basic stuff squared away. What time will you be available?"

"Nine in the morning, one p.m or three p.m."

"I'll take the nine a.m." Drake said. She gave him directions to her office and they ended the call.

Nicki walked into the studio with Aubbie holding her hand.

Aubbie ran to her father and Nicki kissed his cheek and sat on his lap sideways.

"So have you thought of any colors for the wedding yet?" Drake asked her.

"Soft pink and white."

"Should've known...guess I'll have to find me a pink suit."

Nicki looked at him like he'd lost his mind.

"I'm kidding bae, I just got off of the phone with the wedding planner."

"You found a wedding planner all on your own?" she pinched his cheeks.

"Yeah, I figured I take the load off of you and plan the wedding."

She laughed. "You're serious? You plan the wedding."

"Yes I'm serious...I don't want you stressing. Especially with a baby on the way."

"Oh my God, you wish...I'm not having kids any time soon, so don't EVEN think about that."

"Damn, I was joking, but it's nice to know."

"Don't be said, I guess I'll let you plan the wedding...but, no strippers are invited and don't even think about having them at your bachelor's party. No exes, no 'old friends' none of that shit."

"No strippers at my bachelors party Nic? Can you at least be a little lenient? What about the twerk team?"

She gave him a death glare. "Definitely not those hoes."

"Well, you can twerk for me then."

"I might...if you be good...and don't mess this up."

"I'm talking about right now."

"Um no. Aubbie is here for one and two, last time the microphone was on."

"So...they need to hear how high your voice can get. Just in case they want to put you on a song."

"Shut up." she laughed and looked down as Aubbie pulled on her heel.

Nicki picked her up and Aubbie looked at her and tried to push her off her father's lap. Nicki squinted her eyes at her and got up. Aubbie laid her head on her father's chest and smiled at her mother.

"Aubbie you are something else I swear."

The next morning Drake got up early to go meet the wedding planner. Her voice sounded really familiar but he couldn't place it.

He got the directions from her assistant and made his way to her office.

He was ushered on back as soon as he arrived and his mouth dropped open when he realized who it was.

Isn't it ironic that the girl I wanna marry is a wedding planner

and tells me my life is too much and then moves to Atlanta

damn, of all the places you could go

I just thought you'd choose somewhere that has somebody that you know

I'm always up too late I worry 'bout you there alone

in that place you call your home

warm nights and cold patron

I hope you don't get known for nothing crazy

cause no man ever wants to hear those stories bout his lady

I know they say the first love is the sweetest

but that first cut is the deepest

I tried to keep us together you were busy keeping secrets

secrets you were telling everybody but me

don't be fooled by the money I'm still just young and unlucky

I'm surprised you couldn't tell...I was only trynna get ahead


"I'm surprised you didn't recognize my voice. Come in...have a seat."

He would've never guessed that the Alicia the wedding planner had been his Alicia. They did end on bad terms so he didn't think it was a good idea for him to be there. He knew her. She could hold grudges just as long as Nicki.

"I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Why not, c''s me! Alicia."

He looked at her. She did look happy to see him.

He sat down in the chair.

"So, you're getting guess is Nicki?" she asked with an arched eyebrow raising up.


"Okay then, let's get down to business." she smiled and he DID TOO>

"I'll bet her colors are soft pink and white."

"Yeah, exactly those two."

"I still got it!" she giggled. They organized and planned as much as they could within an hour before Alicia made her move.

"It's hot in here." She took off the jacket to her suit. Her breasts were pouring out of her camisole and the fact that her shirt was sheer didn't help matters any.

Drake cleared his throat.

"Oh, boy hush. We were together for years. It's nothing." she dismissed his awkwardness with a wave of the hand.

She pulled out a book with photos of venues and leaned over her desk, she opened the binder and pushed it towards Drake.

"So, since you're planning for a spring wedding, I was thinking out of country. Not Hawaii, too traditional." her breasts were practically in his face and she had made sure that morning to put a dab of his favorite fragrance on her right in between her cleavage.

"Alica...I think I should go." he stood. Old memories were flodding back and it wasn't because he had feelings for her...he didn't, it was just that the two of them together professionally would never work because of their personal history.

" really want to leave." she pushed herself against him. "You know you miss me. When you called, I figured it was a sign of some sort because when I found out that you were engaged to that...Nicki, I became distraught. I need you back in my life. I just filed for divorce and everything. Don't you think that we belong together? Me, you, Aubbie?"

"Keep my daughter's name out of your mouth. And are you CRAZY?! I would never get back with you. You were crazy and when we didn't work out, you tried to kill yourself. You filed for divorce? Did you expect me to say 'yes, I'll leave my family, the best thing that happened to me to be with you Alicia, because you weren't better off in my past but in my future?' Hell NO. Take care of yourself." He left the room.

Aubrey's gonna take me back one way or another. Whatever I have to do, I'm going to do it...starting with sabotaging his relationship with that girl. Nicki Minaj better watch her man. Alicia sat in her desk with a sinister smile on her face.

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