Chapter Twelve

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The nurse looked at the screen and then looked at the little girl. She saw the resemblance but she really couldn't tell so she removed the mask briefly and sure enough, it was Audrey Graham who was signed in under the alias of Aaliyah Harrison.

The nurse had to act fast.

She first turned the TV off because obviously the strange woman who everyone thought was the child's mother didn't know that they had little Audrey plastered everywhere.

She called the doctor into the room as well as the hospital's supervisor. "What is this all about?" the supervisor Lily Jones asked as she watched the nurse-Karen close and lock the door.

Karen said nothing as she turned the TV back on.

They looked at the TV and then realized what Karen was trying to tell them.

"Do you know the woman's name?" the doctor asked.

"I had to run her license so yes, her name is Alisha. Her information is in the system."

Lily paused to choose her next words carefully.

"I want you to alert the authorities while I announce a Code Purple and an Amber Alert. No one gets in this hospital and no one gets out. After you alert the authorities, make sure they call her parents. Dr. James-" Lily looked at the doctor, "Get Audrey into a secured room. Have the floor's security at her door. No one gets in unless it's us or her parents." Lily left out of the room and sure enough the alarm went off and the doors were sealed shut. The only way someone could get in or out was through careflight. Dr. James got Aubrey wheeled to another room and two policemen were placed at her door. By then, Karen had already talked to the authorities and they were on their way to the beach house to notify her parents that Audrey was found.

Drake was pacing the floor again trying to figure out where Alisha could've gone with his daughter when there was a knock at the front door. Everyone looked at him expectantly but he didn't even make a move to go answer it. Dennis stood and he and Sandi went to the door.

"It's the police." Sandi said loud enough for everyone to hear and Carol and Robert too went to the door.

Drake went and got Nicki and the two of them joined their parents at the door.

"We have some good news and some bad news, which do you want first?"

"Good news." Sandi spoke up for everyone.

"The good news is we found your daughter in the hospital a few miles away from here. I was told that she suffered an allergic reaction to a banana, but she is fine now."

Everyone gasped. The women all had teary eyes. Drake went to the kitchen and grabbed the keys and Nicki's purse. He grabbed her some shoes and was back at the door in seconds.

"The bad news is that the woman who kidnapped your daughter is still in the hospital. They are searching for her all over the ground floor because that's where she said she was headed. Either way, she can't get in or exit the hospital because we've sealed it off. The car she drove there is still in the parking lot so that means that she hasn't left yet. Audrey is in a room and security is at her door. You two," he nodded towards Drake and Nicki. "are the only two allowed to enter the hospital aside from the authorities so if you'll come with me please."

He walked out of the house and Drake put Nicki's shoes on her feet and they followed the policemen who would give them a police escort to the hospital.

They had to go into the parking garage and take the stairs to the top so that they could enter the hospital that way.

When they got to Aubbie's room, Nicki and Drake saw Karen sitting there with her. She was awake, sitting up and eating pudding of which she had all over her face. Nicki gave a teary eyed laugh and Drake went over and picked her up from the bed and held her close. His heart was racing.

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