Chapter Ten

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"Wake up! It's your birthday old man!" Nicki sat on top of him and kept hitting him with a fluffy pillow until he woke up.

Just as he opened his eyes, there was a knock at their room door.

Nicki cracked it open and saw it was Safaree. Drake had got up to go to the bathroom so she eased out of the door.

"The girls are here. They're at the hotel about a mile away. They're going to chill for a while, rehearse there, check out the venue and start prepping for the performance."

"That's fine."

"Okay, you sure you wanna do this Nic? It's The Twerk Team. Not just basic hoes."

"I set it up so it's fine. Plus, that ain't shit compared to what I got for him tonight."

"Too much information Nic."

"Well." Nicki shrugged. "Is the car here?"

"Yeah, they're unloading it from the port now and it should be at the club by two. They're gonna keep it in the storage until nine and park it in the back, everyone should be there by nine-thirty but you two are set to arrive at ten.

"Good. Thanks. He has no clue it's gonna be this big."

"I still can't believe you spent almost three-hundred-thousand on a car."

Nicki shrugged. "He deserves it. He's been a good dad."

"Shit, I want something for being a good brother."

"On your birthday." Nicki kissed his cheek and went back in the room.

The shower was going so she took the two presents out for Drake and left the room.

Nicki was in the kids' bathroom bathing Aubbie when she heard Drake calling her name.

"There goes your daddy!" Nicki took her out of the tub and wrapped her in a towel. Nicki lotioned Aubbie up and was in the process of putting her little OVO tank top on when Drake came in the room.

"Happy birthday daddy!"

"Thank you princess." He picked her up and kissed her.

"I got you a ummm," Aubbie started but couldn't finish her sentence.

"A present." Nicki finished.

"Yeah, that."

"Really? Where is it at? And speaking of presents..." he looked at Nicki. "I love the watch and ring." he smiled warmly.

"I knew you would." she kissed him.

Nicki finished dressing Aubbie and left her wild curls as they were and Aubbie pulled Drake's leg.

"Let's go get your pwesent."

He took her hand and she took the small box from the closet and handed it to her father.

He took the box and two gold necklaces lay inside.

"She picked them out." Nicki smiled. They both had a different charm. One charm being the Chai symbol. In Hebrew it meant living, and the other charm The Star of David.

"I got one too! And mommy." Aubbie went back into the closet and grabbed the box that contained two smaller versions of Drake's Star of David necklace.

He looked at Nicki and smiled. She knew how much his religion meant to him, especially since he wasn't as committed as he could be and she also knew that difference in religion could strain relationships so she decided that Aubbie too would be Jewish and every other year they would celebrate Christmas.

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