Chapter Eleven

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When Nicki and Drake finally got home, Nicki helped Drake to the bed because he was a little tipsy.

She unbuckled his pants and shirt so he could shower and then told him she'd be back to shower with him, she was going to check on Aubbie.

"She's sleeping, come on." he stopped her just before she left the room. Nicki smiled and went back to the bed after closing the door.

The next morning there was a knock at their room door.

It was Sandi. She was coming to get Aubbie to open her birthday presents since her birthday had been yesterday as well, but Aubbie had understood that her and her daddy had to share the same special day, so she wanted her daddy to celebrate first.

Sandi cracked it open. Nicki sat up.

"Is Aubbie in here? She's not out there."

Nicki jumped out of the bed. "We haven't seen her since before we left last night." Nicki began to panic. "Drake wake up!"

"Don't panic Nicki she should be around him somewhere."

Drake was still sleeping. "DRAKE WAKE UP!" Nicki went to the closet and pulled on a pair of jeans.

"Aubbie isn't here and Sandi said she's not out there."

Drake's mind was in a foggy state. "Wait, what?"

"Everyone is down on the beach looking for her too." Sandi informed them.

"Have you called the police?" Drake asked.

"Not yet. I didn't want to blow this out of proportion. I thought she was in here."

"Drake what if someone took her?" "What if she left the house, she's so little, and the beach is-oh God." Nicki was starting to really panic and have a nervous breakdown.

"This is my fault. All my fault. I should've let you check on her last night. Stop crying. We're going to find her." Drake was trying to be strong for Nicki but he was just as scared.

"She was supposed to open her presents and go to Disney Land today."

Drake pulled Nicki into his arms. "Don't talk like she's gone. We'll find her. Mom can you call the police please?"

After talking to the police, Aubbie's photo was immediately posted everywhere and the media was going crazy by the end of the day. Nicki wouldn't eat or sleep and Drake was beating himself up but no one was leaving Florida until Aubbie was found because it was now apparent that she had been kidnapped since the coast guard officials said that the water was clear.

Alisha was about to pull her hair out because every time she went near Aubbie she would scream hysterically for her father.

"Ugh! Shut up! We have to get out of here and we can't do that with you screaming! We've already missed both of our flights!" Alisha shrieked and Aubbie's screams went down to whimpers.

Aubbie didn't like this strange woman. For one, she didn't know her and two, she didn't like how one minute she would be nice and the next she was raging.

"Here, eat something sweetie." Alisha tried to give Aubbie a slice of pizza but Aubbie wouldn't eat anything she gave her. She wanted her parents and she was stubborn like her mother.

"You want your daddy?"

Aubbie nodded her head. "Well eat something for me. If you eat we'll go see daddy," Alisha lied. "I'm your new mommy now."

There was a crazed look in Alisha's eyes.

Aubbie ate the pizza but soon after she was screaming again.

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