Chapter 6- The Late Catherine Sommers

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"...During the aforementioned scout personality building camp , Catherine Sommers is reportedly pushed Leader Jason Anderson off Echo's peak, the team's destination. However Cathy, as she is more often known as, was unable to save herself and plummeted down after Mr Anderson. She was pronounced dead at the crime scene by the medical examiners on site while an unconscious Mr Anderson was taken away by paramedics. Mr Dwayne White, a medical examiner at the crime scene, stated the shrubs broke Mr Anderson's fall and saved his life. An interview with the late Ms. Sommers parents..."

Thunderstruck, I shoved the old newspaper back into Gale's hands. " She's dead? She's dead?! What?"

Gale's face was ashen, his hands shaking visibly. We were sitting at an open air cafe with the sun scorching the back of our necks, yet Gale looked freezing.

"It was horrible," he muttered. " You took a little leap and then went down and she, well.. crashed straight. Plop!"

He indicated with hands.
"The girls were screaming like crazy and the guys screamed louder, man. You have no idea," He shook his head.

He took a deep breath, paused, staring at his feet. I waited for him to continue.

"I lied on my stomach, trying to see what happened. The rest of them had turned back. Some running towards the big house, some towards camp."

He looked at me, straight in the eyes. "I saw you, man. And her. You and. . and green. She and red."

"Why did she want to kill me? I mean, yeah we played around. Teased her. But Murder?" I was slightly hysterical.

"Woah chill man. She went mental. It wasn't you. ".

"But it was," interrupting him, I was freaking out "I had a dream that it will happen."

Gale sighed. "Let's get you home, man."

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