Chapter 34- A family dinner

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Gale looked angrier than I had ever seen him before. He grabbed me roughly by my shirt and shoved my back into the wall.

"You will not do any such thing," He snarled.

"He used to call us his talisman. He's a mage," I looked straight at him.

He shook my harder,"Warlock, Jay, warlock, Mages follow bloodlines. Besides, your mom has already gone through so much. You will not do this to her."

I laughed loudly and tried to push him off. "He was probably killed by a stray magic trick and whoops! I'm doomed." I grinned.

That earned me a left hook to the gut by the former high school boxing champ. I crumpled onto the floor, moaning.

He looked at me in utter disgust, "Look at what Agathon has done to you. His issues with his mother has poisoned you."

"She admitted to killing him," I gasped, the pain shooting into my side.

"Snap out of this shit, man. You're listening to a dead dude! That family is the weirdest ever," He muttered; shaking his head and held out his hand.

I took it and he helped me to my feet.

"Why would dad be seeing a shrink specializing in post traumatic stress?" I said quietly.

We heard the front door click open and my mom yelled "I'm home, my turkeys!'

Rebecca was already there when we came down. Mom hugged her and squealed "My little turkey. That I baked in my oven."

Rebecca broke away from the hug, horrified, while Gale and I laughed.

That's my mom, completely random all the time. She was a Harvard Law graduate, but fell in love and decided to be a stay at home mom; spending the rest of her days bringing us up and writing crime stories for a local publisher.

She turned to us and grinned. "Hello my musketeers, where is my third?"

"Cliff will be joining us for dinner. He's been stuck with some history homework." Piqued Rebecca.

She clapped her hands in glee, turning to the refrigerator, "Great. Let me get some chicken on the grill then. And potato, what ever is bothering you, spit it out fast. Angel stop looking at him, he'll keep stalling otherwise."

Gabriel blushed and looked at his feet.

I took a deep breath "What was Dad's deepest secret that left him traumatized?"

Everyone look up at me in surprise; everyone but Mom.

She was looking down, biting her lip, her fingers tightly clenching the chicken bowl.

"I was wondering when Dr. Frabbo may hint that your father was his client too. Yes, your father had a secret and yes, it crippled him. Sit down, my children. You'll are in for a long story."

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