Chapter 27- The Fear Returns

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I was dimly aware of someone sitting beside me when I came to. Rebecca, I thought. Her light hair looked very funny, but a glint around her neck caught my eye. The necklace. Even though I was still only dimly aware of my surroundings, I made a quick grab for it. Only it was not jade.

Silver. A silver stick bound with what seemed like silver rings, but that wasn't the strangest part. It was shockingly cold , making me burn with a sort of cruel numbness, and I let go with a yelp just as a very startled Cliff jumped off the side of the sofa .


Cliff. Not Rebecca.

Strange how my half consciousness lead me to have made that mistake .

Suddenly, I did see the resemblance; they did look a bit alike. With all that light hair and small nose, It was a forgivable mistake.

"Thought it was Rebecca," I muttered, ashamed.

"You were quite exhausted when you got back home in the evening after your football game. Gale told me. I called him just as you fell to make sure what has happened to you. Then Becks and I heaved you onto the sofa. Rebecca just went to make some coffee. I'll let her know you are up and need a cuppa too. " He paused, breathless, as though he had been caught off guard. Then he continued more calmly, " She was afraid that her news did that to you. Since you had that crazy dream about her leaving. "

"What? What news?" I frowned, puzzled.

"The wedding. It's in December. In two months time." He smiled slowly.

Then it dawned on me that there is a chance my last almost-real nightmare might come true. She in a white wedding dress. The hammer. The blood. It all came back and though my hands went cold, I smiled back.

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