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Hanging by a Moment

We should just kiss like real people do.

Ridley's Pov-

Hot damn.

Okay, that was unnecessary. 

The sight of my savior was heavenly. The God standing in front of me has dark, raven hair and his forest eyes seem brighter in this light. Through his black t-shirt, I could tell he was muscular and strong. That is such a turn on for me. So, yeah, hot damn.

And I didn't understand why, but he looked at me in a way that no one else looked at me. Lovingly.

Yes, I've been looked at like that before, but only in a friend or family way. Not like that. No. That is different and I think it's meant to be. Ignore how cliche that sounds but it's true. I felt a pull to him that I've never felt before.

Which is absolutely insane when you think about it. There I was, 16 and falling for a 20-something year old enigma. 

He smiled at me. God, he has a hot smile. The type of smile that made my knees weak. What was I saying?

"Don't look at my sister like that!" Stiles ordered. Woah, when did he grow balls?

He was staring? I felt a red hue burning up my neck and onto my cheeks. 

"Shut up, Stiles," I snapped

I gave a small and quick smile to the handsome man as a hand grabs my wrist.

"Come on, Ridley!"Stiles whisper-shouts and starts to pull me away.

I walked backwards with Stiles, even though I would have rather died (wow melodramatic much also is no one going to point out the irony) than not be near the mysterious man that I would really love to know.

--Derek's Pov--

Ridley. I learned her name. It's Ridley. An interesting name for a girl whom I find so captivating.

The idiots start to pull her away. I can't tell she doesn't want to leave, and I don't want her to either.

To stop them from taking her away and so I can spend more time with her, I say...


Nothing at all.

What could I have said? I am the man who's entire family died in a fire and I still live in the house where they burned. A man like that is unloveable and, in a way, inevitably lost.


376 words

I know it's short but I'm super busy but I'll update more when I get the chance!

Ughhhh I hate pov changes. It's cool when other stories do it but, when I do it, I cringe. 

Derek's pov isn't past tense like Ridley's btw 

What do you think will happen next? Let me know! Love ya!


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