Chapter 22

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"Why are you smiling like th--" But he stops short, as I slowly run my hands down his chest, stopping just below his boxers. My heart beat quickens as I realize what I'm doing, but I don't stop. I stretch up to make him think that I'm going to kiss him, but I don't, I only hover above his lips, trying to breath out slowly. I think whatever I'm doing is working because his breathing hitches and his eyes close as his mouth open slightly as he tries to breath. I smile sweetly, and gently push him over so that he's laying on his back. I climb up on top of him, so that I'm straddling him, sitting on his lap. I lean down and kiss his chest slowly and gently. I continue to slowly kiss all the way up his chest then stop at his neck and leave a long, lingering kiss there. I know he's satisfied because I can feel his breathing stop. I grin, happy at what I'm doing to him. I feel his hands rub my smooth legs up and down, begging me to give him more. His hands gently and slowly run over my butt and onto bare back, as he begins to pull me in gently. I bend over a latch onto his neck with my lips. He bend his head to the side, jutting his neck out even more. I start to suck slowly on his neck, which angers him that I'm teasing him so. I hear (feel) a low growl in the back of his throat, which only makes me more happier. I start to suck harder and faster, as he moans in contempt.

All of a sudden, he pushes me forcefully against him, stopping my sucking altogether. We breathe heavily in sync, as I wrap my arm around his neck and lay on his chest, fitting perfectly. He grips his arms onto my back and rubs up and down going under the back of my sports bra then traveling slowly down to my shorts.

"What the hell was that for?" He asks, breathlessly. I sit up, looking at him.

"What? You didn't like it?" A smirk dares to play on my lips but I contain it. He lets out a breath a lays his head against his pillow, still looking at me.

"I did not say that." I smile, inwardly, proud that I've succeeded. My eyes trail to his chest and I gasp. He sits up.

"What?" His gaze travels down his chest and his mouth pops open as he sees what I see.

Little, tiny, red circles all over his chest in a trail. I hadn't realized I'd been kissing him that hard. He starts to laugh. I look up at him, mouth ajar and eyes wide.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask, dumbfounded. He moves his hands down to my hips and lifts me to straddle him again, I place hands on his chest and bend over slightly to look at him. I sure he loves the view.

"I didn't realize you had it in you."

"Had what in me?" I snap at him.

"I didn't know you would have enough guts to give me tons of little hickey's." He says, smirking.

"There's a lot of things you don't know I'm capable of doing." He chuckles.

"Apparently." I grin down at him. Then realize that he didn't even let me finish my job. I look over a see a very sorry looking hickey. I out and look back at him. He reads my mind and tells me to continue, knowing now that I'm just trying to get him back. I smile and lean back down to his neck and finish off my hickey. I hear him moan a couple of times while I'm doing it. Sensing that I've finished, Aaron tightens his grip around my waist and rolls us over so that he's straddling me now. I grin up at him.

"Why do you moan when I do that to you?" He only smirks at me, as he lays his head down on my stomach and gets comfy.

"Because you're good at that." I let a smile play on my lips, satisfied.

"Don't get too happy shorty." He says, as I run my hands through his soft hair. "This might never happen again." I hesitate as my breathe gets caught in my throat, my smile drops to a frown.

"but what if I want it to happen again?" I whisper out. Aaron sits up, letting his eyes rack from my stomach up to my eyes. His eyes never leave mine as he start to lean in to kiss me. His eyes and mine begin to flutter closed as he gets closer, but the door is flung open causing me and Aaron to jump. Once we've caught our breath we look over, ready to apologize, but see a demon.


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