Sealed with a kiss

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Based on this request by anonymous:

You had recently found out that you were going to become the newest member of The Shield and WWE Creative had left it up to you to come up with a way of telling them

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You had recently found out that you were going to become the newest member of The Shield and WWE Creative had left it up to you to come up with a way of telling them. So for the last couple of weeks you had played the part of an overexcited fan as you sat at ringside, watching their matches. As the weeks went by you grew more eager and even started to sit on the barricade during their entrance. Each member would look at you confused and you'd simply smile in response before taking your seat
This continued for a month before you finally made a move to reveal the truth to them.

As the referee counted to three and The Shield got the win, you jumped to your feet and climned over the barricade, walking over to the announce table to get a microphone. You had decided that it was time to tell everyone what was going on and you slowly climbed up the steel steps and made your way into the ring. 

Roman, Dean and Seth all looked at you as they left the ring

"Before you leave, I just want to explain why I've been out here during all of your matches" You looked at the WWE universe, gauging their reaction "You're looking at the newest member of The Shield'' 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

To say they were hard to get close to would be an understatement. All three men were very protective of what they had built with The Shield and it took them a while to fully trust you. They were reluctant to let you in at first but you busted your ass week after week to show them that you belonged beside them in the ring and after a while they started warming up to you, so much so that they even let you share their RV. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The more time I spent around (Y/N) the more I was attracted to her and I'd promised myself I wouldn't get involved with her on a romantic level but she was very attractive and the more I got to know her, the more I fell for her. At first i'll admit i was a bit skeptical about her joining The Shield. We were doing great by ourselves and didn't need a fourth member but there was just something about her that we couldn't quite place that made our team that much better. She was talented, great in the ring but also the sweetest girl you'll ever meet anx after a while it just felt right. Maybe it was her smile, or the way her cheeks flushed when she got embarrassed, i don't know what it was really but what i did know is that I was In way too deep.

"You better go and wake her up" Seth said, tapping me on the chest

I nodded and approached her bedroom. (Y/N) wasn't a morning person and i'm not sure when it started but for some reason i felt the overwhelming urge to protect her

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"(Y/N) it's time to get up" Dean said as he gently shook your shoulder

You groaned and you lifted up your eye mask, squinting as your eyes adjusted to the light in the room

"Morning" Dean said smiling down at you

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